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News item Comments posted by NightFlight

  1. 15 hours ago, sw0mp_d0nk3y said:

    At least in this instance a couple of the show's biggest mistakes work in their favor.  They wrote Mat to be significantly less fun and appealing than in the book, and then went on to spend very little time with him (and Rand) for most of the season.  


    I don't know if it was the acting or the writing, but Mat to me, resembles very little from the original storied version of himself.  Matt is a fun loving trickster with a twinkle in his eye, getting himself continuously into trouble and deserved ire from his community.  His coming of age story its one about having to grow up but still retaining that spirit and mischievous humour that makes him accessible, friendly yet world warry to prepare him to be what eventually has to shoulder.  


    That is totally lost on him so far in the TV series. When I read the books was always hyped to read a new Mat or Rand chapter. These episodes feel so rushed and tend to stray from pivotal story elements or bend them to fit into modern culture - which IMHO a shame.  This modern attempt to polymorph gender is creeping into a story that does nothing but create clear delinations. Sad.



  2. LOTR and the HP films both lacked the detail of the novels. That being said, I'd say that neither touch the detail present in WoT. Any attempt to put WoT to film would be an abysmal failure. I would go, I would watch it and I would likely cry and walk out.


    The look and feel of this trailer, while good doesn't do much more than the cover on a book. Never judge a book by its' cover so they say. IMHO a feature film would have to be at minimum 4 hours long, and have 14 sequels? The public would never swallow it. The quality could never be maintained. Even if that were achieved, it STILL would never capture the nuance, the shock and awe of men and women playing with powers that essentially render them into gods (and still be watchable).


    If WoT is ever successfully put to film and I enjoy it, I'll eat my hat. That being said, I actually like Brandon's style. Go figure. I thought I was going to waste the $30 odd bucks when I bought his/Roberts book. I was pleasantly surprised.

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