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Status Updates posted by RobertA.Jones

  1. Saw a woman today at work in an outfit that would have made "Little Edie" Beale feel right at home. It was trés Grey Garden sheik.If you understand that joke completely, your gay is showing.

  2. Apparently, while I was working, a Democrat Senator took the floor of the house and has been filibustering the hell out of the Tax Cuts bill. A Democrat ... filibustering a seriously bad deal for 50M Americans ... makes me proud to be an American and a Democrat. GO BERNIE!

  3. If we give in, if we just let it happen the terrorists win. Also, this is why we can't have nice things. Don't make me come back there. I don't care what you want, you're not getting it. So na na nanana.That is all.

  4. 73: You are one of the cutest gingers I know. You and your other came into my life right at the begining of a new journey for me. I love the fact that we can geek out on the same things and I miss talking to you while you were in the tub. Now that your closer, maybe we can finally meet up and talk about ... things. ;)

  5. 77: You are a riot. SRSLY! Out of all of my "old" friends, you have changed the least and the most in some ways. Your one of the few people I can talk about S-E-X with and not have it get weird ... because you're a girl. :)

  6. Via Evan C. Paul: "You cannot claim to want a smaller government imprint, and then poke into peoples' bedrooms. You cannot claim to want family values, and then limit the kinds of families out there. You cannot claim to love religious freedom while seeking to impose your own over every other faith and ministry. You cannot claim to to love God, and your neighbors, while shoving hate into their faces."

  7. RT @lamebook Would the Virgin Mary’s sister be considered “the Auntie Christ”?

  8. RT @lamebook From Lamebook's State Your Status: "My mate changed his Facebook status to “suicidal, standing on the edge of a cliff” So i poked him…

  9. I need to reread the series. I don't think I can make it in 30 days.

  10. Super excited about ToM. Might get it before my Kindle for my birthday.

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