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News item Comments posted by Callandor45

  1. In 1992 or 1993, I was a member of the Science Fiction Book Club. I sometimes would forget to respond to their monthly main book selections so they would automatically ship their 2 main books every month to members who didn't respond by the deadline.


    I don't even remember what the other main book selection was, but they sent me "The Dragon Reborn", and I liked the cover artwork. I saw that this was book 3 in a series called "The Wheel of Time".


    I had remembered seeing the 1st and 2nd books in paperback in the bookstores, but I had never picked them up. So, I went and bought the first 2 books in paperback, and after reading the prologue to TEOTW, I was really hooked. The prologue was really well written, and it just really captured my interest, and I couldn't wait to start Chapter 1.


    All the allusions and references in the prologue to the grandeur of the age of legends was cleverly written, and I just had to find out who Lews Therin Telamon was, how did he summon the nine rods of dominion, or what was the ring of Tamrylin?


    What had really happened in the Hall of the Servants? What had driven Lew Therin to such madness and despair that he killed those that were closest to him, even his beloved wife, Ilyena.


    I know other epic fantasy books have grabbed my interest and intrigued me, but this was probably the first time I was pulled in and really cared about finding out what this series was all about. I just couldn't put TEOTW down!


    I devoured the first 2 books very quickly, and then read TDR, and through all the long waits between each book in the series, I eagerly anticipated the next Wheel of Time Book.


    I had no idead that the series would go as long as it has, and I don't remember how many times I have reread the entire series, quite a few, I know.


    So, I am grateful to the Science Fiction Book Club for sending me TDR, and introducing me to my most favorite epic fantasy series I've ever read.


    I am counting down the months now until AMOL, and since I never met Robert Jordan in person, hopefully I will get to meet Brandon Sanderson at one of the book signings for AMOL. Hopefully Brandon will come to either Orange County or Los Angeles, I live in Orange County in the city of Yorba Linda, so LA isn't too far from where I live.


    Thanks to Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson, and Team Jordan for doing such a phenomenal job on creating and finishing such an amazing epic fantasy series that I'm sure will be read for the next millenium or so, until the Wheel of time turns and comes round again to the next Age of Legends!


    Good luck to Rand al'Thor in his fight against the Dark One! I believe Rand will defeat the Dark One and usher in the new Age of Legends! Go Rand!


    Larry Carrigan

  2. Happy Easter everyone!




    I just checked Amazon's website, and AMOL is now available for pre-order with a list price of $34.99, but discounted to 23.09, which is 34% off.


    The hardcover page count listed is 864 pages.


    I checked Amazon for other editions, but at this point, they only have the regular hardcover available for pre-order.


    I'm surprised, I thought we might have to wait until June or July to pre-order AMOL.


    Have a good Easter and spring break!


    Larry Carrigan

    Yorba Linda, CA

  3. @ Catdancer.


    I haven't had time yet to listen to the podcast, but in EOTW, Chapter 14, The Stag and Lion, Ba'alzamon tells Rand the following on Page 171 (hardcover edition): "Your father was chosen by the White Tower, like a stallion roped and led to his business. Your mother was no more than a brood mare to their plans. And those plans lead to your death."


    If I remember correctly, this was the first dream Rand had of the strange room with the fireplace where he talked to Ba'alzamon for the first time, and Rand had to ask Ba'alzamon what he wanted and who he was, since he hadn't met Ba'alzamon yet in his dreams, although he had dreamed about trollocs and myrdraal, and the White Tower before this.


    If I can think of any other quotes similar to this in the other books, I'll let you know.


    I'll definitely listen to the podcast when I'm not so tired.


    Larry Carrigan

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