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Posts posted by Abschalten

  1. Question:  What were the dark streaks in the sky in the "mirror world" that Rand, Hurin, Loiale, and Selene were in?  Was this ever answered?  Just re-reading TGH and was wondering about this.


    This is pure speculation, but I'm pretty sure that the streaks in the sky were some sort of aircraft similar to fighter jets, and they were doing bombing runs. Sounds funny, especially for the genre. But check it: they were in a world where alternate timelines and possibilities ending up in a drastically different outcome. The ground was scorched and seared in stripped patterns, as if they were dropping bombs or napalm or something. And then the description of the UFOs in general (something to the effect of them glinting and leaving streamers behind them) sounds to me like aircraft leaving exhaust behind it. Maybe, somehow, the Seanchan made it out of the Trolloc Wars untouched and achieved advanced technology while the Westlands got annihilated. So now they're doing bombing runs on existing patches of Trollocs or other Shadowspawn in order to wipe them out.


    I so totally meant to ask Jordan about this exact same subject during his 2005 Knife of Dreams book tour, but I was so excited at meeting the man I completely forgot. My bad for that, otherwise maybe both of us would have better answers. :(

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