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Posts posted by johthohar

  1. Kind of nit-picky, but page 378 Gawyn thinks of Silviana as a Red, instead of as the Keeper.


    I can see how it might be an annoying inconsistency between speech patterns but the Keeper retains her Ajah when she is raised so it is correct. Not to mention that (I think! Its been several months since I read tGS.) Gawyn was absent when Silviana was raised so in his POV he might still think of her as a Red and not really as the Keeper. Plus, Egwene notes several times that he still hasn't accepted her as Amyrlin so it seems right at this point that he wouldn't accept her chosen Keeper either.

  2. I have a question that came to mind while I was reading a thread regarding Mesaana getting around the Three Oaths. Someone said that she couldn't have used the Mask of Mirrors while swearing the Three Oaths because they would likely shield everyone while they swore. My question is this: Would tied off weaves dissipate once you were shielded? And if this is the case wouldn't Rand's weaves around Callandor have dissipated when he was captured by Elaida's embassy? Sorry if this was already discussed somewhere and I missed it.

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