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Posts posted by Luckystrike

  1. This is clearly an epic fantasy, and you want the fight to be logical and practical? Come on, of course it's going to be epic with Lan sheating the sword. Yes, why would Demandred go for a swordfight? Because it's seems more epic. Of course a fight with the One Power could also be equally epic, with a swordfight was chosen. And thank god to that, because I prefer swordsfights to power-fights. 

    One thing though, I thought it would be a one-to-one fight against Mat, not Lan. And that would be more epic, general against general in a last battle. Also, my naive side, wanted Demandred to be shocked realising Mat's the general that outplayed him (not that he was LTT). 

    Also, Demandred seems to be the only Forsaken who was really hard to kill. Gawyn dying, trying to be a hero. Galad almost dying trying to do the right thing. Now, why Lan? As someone said somewhere, Lan was already a badass. The fight should have gone to Mat in my opinion. Still, Demandreds death was good. He died in the midst of the battle, one-on-one swordfight. 

  2. The Randland women are the most hated characters in the world it seems. And for reasons which to me makes the character. All that thinking men are stupid etc...


    I always keep thinking that RJ lived in my town and went to my school. The women in Randland (and men) feels incredibly real; all the "flaws" and manners - bullseye. All my experiences with them, but deep and shallow is written in WoT.

    Then I came to this board and every female character is hated. I was very confused. I understood about being irritated by them, but even to feel that made it feel real.


    Now about Faile; I really like her. Tricking Loial and giving Perrin a hard-time somehow defined Failes wild and manipulative side. Then the "wives can do things their husband can't"-thing make her much more interesting, and more mature; we see her taking on some real responsibility.


    About the love thing; the only relationship that has real depth. The almost-cheating-thing between Faile and the Aiel guy, was great writing.


    But the rescue-plot went on too long.

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