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Tom Sawyer

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Posts posted by Tom Sawyer

  1. The people trying to free Siuan were, officially, traitors who declared war on the White Tower. That means that as a student in the Tower, he was well within his legal rights to kill them on the battlefield. Regardless of the moral or ethical justifications of the side that he chose, he did not break any laws in doing so.


    He did break the law when he helped Siuan escape. Also, he broke the law against being an annoying twat.


    I agree with this but have one problem with it. He is a representive of Andor and I would say a special guest at the Tower rather than a member of the tower. A guest shouldnt jump into the towers problems whereas a member of the tower would be totally right in attacking the traitors


    Even so, Tar Valon is an ally of Andor and when someone declares war against it as the Siuan loyalists did, he is justified in taking up arms to help defend it.

  2. The people trying to free Siuan were, officially, traitors who declared war on the White Tower. That means that as a student in the Tower, he was well within his legal rights to kill them on the battlefield. Regardless of the moral or ethical justifications of the side that he chose, he did not break any laws in doing so.


    He did break the law when he helped Siuan escape. Also, he broke the law against being an annoying twat.

  3. I liked at the end of book three when Moiraine was telling Mat how important he was and how they needed to stick together or something like that an out loud he was saying "Don't worry, you can count on me! I'm with you all the way!" and in his head he was going "Oh crap. Time to run".

  4. Speaking of Mat's Finnland prophecies, one that's always seemed odd to me is the "dying and living again as part of what was" (forget the exact line) one.


    Marrying the Daughter of the Nine Moons is a significant event in his life. Giving up half the light of the world will apparently be a significant event in his life. Getting killed and then balefired back to life seems to be pretty irrelevant. It really plays no part in the story at all. It just seems to be totally unrelated to the other two in terms of being relevant enough to include.



    According to the TOR website it wasnt used in the AOL at all actually; it was from a previous age and was only known in much the same way everyone knows about it now; through legend. No one ever really thought to use it because its power was considered a myth and they had better things to do. Its only through Foretelling that it was placed where it was.


    Not to mention, the Horn of Valere is apparently not mentioned in the Karatheon Cycle. And due to Be`lal going after Callandor and whatnot, it does seem that at least some of the Forsaken pay attention to the prophecies.


    OK, they do know about it now, though.  Why not get rid of it before Mat can blow it?


  6. Why don't the Forsaken grab the Horn of Valere?  Neither Siuan nor Verin knew all that much about the Dream World when they hid it in the Tower so it's not like there's any kind of Dream World shielding around it, so I assume that they can just use the need thing to pop over and find it - or if that's too dangerous for them to do personally, just yank one of the Black Ajah into the Dream World and let them do it - and then hide it up at Shayol Ghul so that Mat can't use it to mow through their armies on the way there.


    They obviously faced the thing back in the AoL since the Aes Sedai of the time had it, so they know what a potent superweapon it is, so removing it from the field of play would seem like a sensible Day One activity.

  7. I don't understand all the importance given to the fat man angreal. As far as I remember, it was the first angreal Rand came across while he was searching for one in Tear. If he feels an angreal is that important, he has a ton of one power stuff(in Tear+Rhuidean stuff) with him amongst which I'm sure there is atleast one other saidin angreal just as strong or even stronger than fat man.


    I think the importance is due to Jordan making a specific point about it having gone missing.  It seemed to be implying a mystery that would be resolved later.  Of course, now that six books have gone by and it's never been mentioned again, it may be that people read much more into that than they should have and it was just totally irrelevant.


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