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News item Comments posted by Catdancer

  1. I really like your theory too Eht Slat Meit.


    Either that, or perhaps they found out the Lady of Pain was one of the blood, the common people found out about it and revolted thinking it ment all of the blood are forsaken.


    Or maybe the people from the Isle of Madmen crashlanded in a storm and found out they weren't as crazy as they thought and tried to rename Seandar "New Madmen" and Seandar revolted.


    oh, poo, i just remembered, didn't RJ say the Isle of Madmen wasn't going to appear in the series? I hope he just ment the land and not the people in other lands.

  2. I have no idea. but i can't wait to find out!!


    Did Verin ever go into the Stone doorway in Tear? maybe she asked them what info was vital the Dragon knew in order to win. they said something like, "Go Tell Galad where the horn is and as he makes his way to the White Tower so the Light can join the Serpant, he can find the horn and return it to Mat, because, afterall, he's not THAT far away." or some such.


    the only reason i say this, is because Galad has a connection with all the MAJOR MAIN charaters besides Mat, and it seems to me that connection needs to be made.


    He's connected to Nynaeve, he helped her excape. He's connected to Rand, blood. He's connected to Perrin, the wolf trial thing. He's connected to Egween, through Nynaeve and Gawayn. All that's left is Mat. Unless i've forgotten something or Mat beating the BaJesus out of him and Gawayn in DR.

  3. @Mashiara


    Tam knows the stories of LTT, he raised Rand. In personalities young Rand is nothing like the insane kinslayer of the stories. He probably knew the proficy, but a part of him might not have been able to believe it. The PotD states the Dragon will be born on the dragonmount, but it doesn't say the dragon will be the ONLY one born on the dragonmount. Perhaps there was a lingering flicker of hope that his son Rand was not Kinslayer.


    but you're right. it does make a person think.

  4. If the pattern is deteriorating so much so that the dead walk, maybe the line between "Reality" and the dream world is blurring? if that is so, perhaps she was a hero of the horn or something, and when she made more, she simply imagined more, and because it was a merging of the two worlds, the "more" appeared and was real, because it was in the real world. When she left the blurring stopped and the two worlds were as they were suppose to be. Making the plate and her vanish.


    Doesn't Moiraine create a coin in New Spring when she is practising for the AS test?


    and after Rand slept with Elayne there was a golden lilly on the pillow. I always thought he had made that, either from "nothing" or transformed something.

  5. I agree with Darth_Andrea. Luc/Isam has to be the Broken Wolf. But I don't know what the Towers of Midnight have to do with them. The closest i can come to is Luc/Isam getting in a fight with Mat. Because Mat is the Prince of Ravins, doesn't that make Mat the "master", for lack of a better word, of the Seanchen Towers of Midnight? or is the Midnight Towers the Tower type place that Moridin has in the Blight?

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