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Posts posted by Satsuoni

  1. Um. As to the nature of the link I have a theory that seems to explain many things, and differs from your version somewhat:)

    I think that during crossed stream episodes, the threads of Rand and Moridin has melded together somewhat, resulting in several effects.

    First, the link makes them close -nearly one, but not quite. So that when it activates, Rand sees Moridin just from the side. Also, it makes them nearly indistinguishable from the "global" point of view -such as the Source or the Dark One. Then, when Rand is accessing saidin, but does not have control yet (or when he releases it), from the point of view of Saidin it is like TWO male access points are calling it - which result in (impossible) male-male link, ambiguity and severe dizziness/disorientation for recipients, until one of them resolves it by taking control of the flow. Also, the way Rand accesses TP is through that link (he did see Moridin's face upon activation, in TGS), and the DO may not be even able to tell that it is not Moridin drawing on his power. Whether Moridin can use TP at the same time as Rand is debatable. Also, Rand does not feel any sickness upon drawing TP, since there is no ambiguity -all power comes from a single access point - Moridin, just being drawn through the link like the usual power circle, only more permanent. Just IMHO.

    (Also, it would mean that Rand can still access TP. Any one think that DO will end up like The Great Serpent, with his behind in his mouth?)

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