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Posts posted by wintermute

  1. Pretty sure most of the Aiel were at Thakandar, guarding Rand's back while he went to face the DO. Unfortunately most of the Thakandar battles were off screen, so we don't really see what happens.


    We are told though that the Sea Folk Windfinders were tied up throughout in controlling the weather. They did so until almost the very end, when they either tired out or were killed by Shadow forces, I don't think it was stated.


    Most of the Aiel Wise Ones were there as well I think, as well as Cadsuane's gang.


    Against them, they were facing the Red Veiled Aiel - do we have an idea of their numbers? And presumably the usual Shadowspawn (Trollocs/Fades). And Graendal, showing more awesome than in all the previous books put together. THAT'S how I would expect a Forsaken to act in battle.


    I would really have liked some more screen time for the Thakandar battles. We're only told that the Aiel and Tairen (I think it was the Defenders?) forces were decimated.

  2. On why the Lightsiders opened 4 fronts initially - remember that one of their goals was to distract the Shadow so Rand can sneak inside Shayol Ghul. Spreading out their forces helped with this deception. Also, initially, each individual army looked strong enough to overcome (Bashere's forces) or at least draw (Agelmar and Bryne) with their known opponents.


    Turned out though that Trollocs are mobile than the Lightsiders imagined (at least when forced marched by Fades), and of course Demandred sprang out a Sharan army that could Travel. Not to mention, Graendal's Compulsion cost a healthy chunk from each of the Lightside forces. Put them all together, and it's no wonder the Light was losing at that point.


    And oh, I think the "missing" channelers were at Thakandar/Shayol Ghul. The Aiel Wise Ones at least should have been there, accompanying the Aiel spears. Some of Rand's Asha'mans must have been there too. They were facing off against Aiel red veils after all, so the fight must have kept them all occupied.

  3. I agree with the logic presented here. These guys prob won't learn to channel. But doesn't it seem a little....unfortunate that these channeler/non-channeler pairings will proceed with disproportionate aging?


    Well, with Tarmon Gai'don coming, it's possible that at least some halfs of the pairings would die or perhaps be stilled (for channelers). That's one way to solve the problem LOL.


    In a bigger sense, real life relationships that last 10 years are an achievement, and 50 years is pretty unusual. Are you really positing 300+ year relationships?


    The timeframe of the WOT novels is really quite short, just a few years really, so all the main characters' romantic attachments are still fresh. Who's to say they won't fall out of love, etc, if things were allowed to run their course? It's going to be harsh for those who are Warder-bonded, but hey them's the risks of workplace dating :p

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