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News item Comments posted by Arvedui

  1. I understand the people who are angry with this news release. Remember where we started: RJ died, we thought we would never see the last book, then Brandon stepped up to help deliver as much of RJ's vision for the last book as possible. One book got split into three yet, up to ToM, everything seemed to be working out. Now, this. Still, if it takes that long to get the last book "right" so be it. What makes me upset is including the marketing build-up language in this particular news release.


    I get that WoT is a valuable property, one that I don't own, and that Tor has every right to use that property as they see fit. What I don't understand are people who castigate other posters for expressing their sense of being taken advantage of. Suddenly, those other posters are bitter or entitled or whatever. "I've been reading the series for 20 years and I can wait 2 more months." That's nice, but it's beside the point. Other people thought they were getting one book only to have it split into three. And so on. They are understandably frustrated. We may not own the property, or have any entitlement to how the property is handled, but nor do we have to stay silent when it appears Tor is playing on our love of the series in order to make a few more bucks.

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