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Posts posted by TheTraveler

  1. Thanks, all, for the answers on Ishy's partial entrapment.  I just wish that we had more information on WHY he was only partially sealed within the Bore.  There seems to be no real answer for that (yet).  If all of the other Forsaken were locked in and totally out of commission for 3K years, why was Ishy spared partially?  I wonder if this is at all meaningful or just a non-issue part of the plot that we are just supposed to accept.


    I went back and read the part of tEotW where Ishy as Ba'alzamon monologues on how he was never trapped and all of the things he has done since the AoL.  Very cool to read it now in retrospect.



  2. Hello, All!!  TheTraveler here, new to WoT and new to Dragonmount.  I have a question that's been bothering the crap out of me for months and I know that one of you Collam Daan initiates can help me.  It's not PURELY tGS related, but it is about Moridin/Ishy.  Forgive me if this has been answered 4,500 times before.


    How can Moridin/Ishy/Elan have been free of his entrapment within the Seal in order to first confront Lews Therin in the prologue of tEotW?  It struck me when Rand sat down for his fireside chat with Moridin in the fireplace room from Rand's earliest tEotW nightmares.  "The Dark One and All of his Forsaken were sealed away..." the little liturgy the boys repeat to make themselves feel better?  Well, if Moridin/Ishy/Elan/the Betrayer of Hope are all the same person, how did he get free to come torment Lews Therin if all of the other Forsaken were stuck in stasis for the next 3000 years?


    What am I missing???



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