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News item Comments posted by Raphael

  1. There is so much not to like. I am not sure I can keep watching after the 1st 3 episodes.

    • I was okay with continuity changes because you have to admit that the books could be slow. But that is one of the only things I liked.Other than the 1st episode was too fast.
    • Sets and special effects are good for TV.
    • There is no chemistry between the cast. The backstory changes make me not like most of the characters. In the books the best thing was the camaraderie of the Two Rivers folk, I don’t see it now.
    • Matt was a likable scoundrel, now he is a thief and his dad is a womanizer - Why?
    • I liked that they gave us a view of the Trollock’s attacking the Two Rivers but they cut/changed one of the most important scene’s for Rand’s character development. His dragging Tam to town wondering who he was. Why?
    • Perrin married and pretty much otherwise unmemorable. Why?
    • Egweyne grows apart from Rand because she wants to be a Wisdom and they can’t marry. They could have just followed the book here to the same result with no difference.
    • But doing this turns Rand into an emo teen, I never saw him this way before . Why?
    • Moraine and Lan seem to be cast best so far but there hasn’t been time to develop them.
    • Nynieve casting seems okay.
    • For a secondary character Eamon Velda seems good.
    • Padan Fain didn’t get enough airtime so no opinion there.
    • This will likely be deleted as you can’t say anything negative about diversity but there is too much of it.
    • There are very strong central female characters in the books, why do you need 4 Taveren.
    • The old and the ancient blood is a fairly strong plot point. Why do all the characters from the two rivers, a very secluded mountain region with few visitors since the trollock wars, look like international melting pot of central London.
    • Can’t wait to see what they do with the Aiel after the above.

    I am going to try to keep watching but this is not off to a good start.

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