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Dead Guy

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Posts posted by Dead Guy

  1. While escaping the Seanchan with the bowl of the winds, if I recall correctly, someone creates a gateway while, for some reason I can't remember, the weaves are "slippery" to her. The party escapes, gets in cover and the traveler finally lets go of the slippery weave. This resulted in a quite spectacular explosion?


    1. I can't remember the specific circumstances under which this sort of thing would occur, what were they exactly?

    2. Is this what the Seanchan are talking about when mentioning or thinking about "that new weapon" used outside Ebou Dar (or wherever it was)?

    3. Is this what commonly happens when a weave is unraveled in an uncontrolled manner, or could just about anything happen?

    4. Could this side effect of fumbling your weaving roll be used in some way in the remainder of the series?

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