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UnCrowned King

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News item Comments posted by UnCrowned King

  1. 2 hours ago, nicki_minajah said:

    "Handful" means three to me. ? I'm 31.

    Who would have guessed the largest miscommunication between Millennials and GenX is three being a "Handful" or a "Few?" ? Or is that a guy/girl thing?  Male/Female? (him/her?) ?? I'm so old I still list the masculine first ? HINT (I was your age about the time PoD came out and we actually turned pages while reading)


    I responded to Phoebe's earlier post with complete agreement! But it was M O D E R A T E D out because I referred to RJ as a F' ing LEGEND. (hopefully that falls within guidelines as I don't recall Dragonmount being so tyrannical back in the day). 


    My comment was in reference to how one of the things that carried the books into legendary status was the dialogue in chat rooms centering around the contrast/conflict in gender.  Opinions flared O'plenty and made for fun discussions.  Also, for this young male in his 20's at the time, good insight into what being female was like.  Insight I never would have gained without those conversations.  The comments in regards to Egwene's struggle, and as one poster put it going from "Prairie girl to Amyrlin Seat," where monumental in the weaving of this series threads into this young man's IRL.  Going from the cringe worthy stage of "Wonder Girls" vs my beloved male Protagonist Trifecta, to (((IRL))) crying over the death of Egwene al'Vere the Amyrlin Seat, raised of no Ajah from Accepted, WWWOWWW!!! What a journey.  I'm not sure that story can be re-told to satisfaction by masking gender?  Big difference between 20+ years of page turning and mouse clicking, to one eight-episode season but is it fair to compare the two?  I believe it became fare the second you attached the Wheel of Time BRAND NAME to what came across as no more then a pilot season of fan fiction.  Gleeman's tales might promote the tv series till the end of this Age, but with so many fundamental aspects of an Age long past missing, and without the support of the pre-existing Fandom, that wind you feel blowing might not be an Age yet to come, but maybe just A Ending...

  2. 3 hours ago, nicki_minajah said:

    I will do it as a woman who has lived a handful of decades in a world that enforces certain gender-based actions and beliefs. But I am also a thousand other things--a writing professor, a TV addict, a bullet journaller, a middle child, a Texan, a Millennial...

    Did you say you've lived 50+ years but "identify" as a Millennial? ?

  3. On 12/27/2021 at 4:06 AM, Artagel said:

    They met in Tel'Aran'Rhiod and used Ter'angreals to get there.

    And that's suppose to make it better?  How would that explain lack of communication between Moraine and Suanne over the past two years of Moraine being away from the tower, if they could just hookup any given nap time?  Point being, either way it highlights poor research or lack of interest in source material or the "science" of what made WoT special to many readers, and that's the magic made sense and the consistent "rules" to the OP, T-A-R, relics (angreal etc...) made sense! Their introduction into the storyline made sense and was consistent.  Why in sand hill put that scene in at that point? Introducing TAR in that way and at that time and by those two characters?  I'm a vet and didn't understand the scene. Mother's milk in a cup!

  4. BTW I'm just curious, with Moraine and Suanne being lovers and all, why wouldn't Suanne have taught Moraine how to open a Gateway? (that was how she traveled to her room, right?) (Lan didn't look supprised?) What need for the Ways?  What need even for horses at this point in the story? ? Terrible.  Guess that was also due to the Pandemic?

  5. It's hard for me to watch the politicizing of an epic story that had become; and still is, a big part of my late teens and early adulthood. (was,where)


    Episode 1 and (3,4) IMHO where stimulating for me as the show got off nicely due to good site selection, CGI, Ms Pike, and a much better representation of the OP and Trollocs then I expected.  Episode (3,4) for the introduction of Thom, of course, and the dramatic depiction of the Farm House Fade scene where Thom then vacates for the remainder of the season.


    I've read numerous scorching reviews from book fans and no need to be redundant. There are plenty of blatant guffaws to point out, in conjunction with nubile writing/directing and just plain, good old fashion bad acting. What can I add? First off, let me just thank the light it was Brandon Sanderson who finished the books because I can now see how bad a different selection could have gone.  In rewatching season one I noticed the only high points for me where in comparison to the low points, or when the narrative was closest to the source material.  Anyone else feel the need to duck from all the would-be, poorly camouflaged, red herrings thrown out?  Cartoon-ish dramatization.  Rosamund Pike was rightly hailed as the bright spot with the kid portraying Rand (sorry I never bothered to retain his IRL name) second. The first five minutes of 102, with the introduction of the White Cloaks was one thing I forgot I enjoyed because it was overshadowed by the direction filming took their Arc and the Perrin, Eg, barking dogs VS halloween ghost, escape scene.


    Comparing the adaptation to the source material is entirely unfair, as is comparing a professor to his pupils. Felt very much like poor fan fiction.  That's me being generous.  Expect an early exit for the series if season two doesn't produce a miracle.  Nothing in season one was an improvement for this reader/watcher over book/season one "Eye of the World," and unless Egwene can now heal death and raises RJ from the dead, or maybe Min can channel up a gateway for Brandon, then the fan base this group of wannabes inherited; and who ballooned the ratings for this premier season, will vacate and look eerily similar to the final scene of the final episode.  And I think we all know who that Tsunami is going to hit.

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