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Posts posted by enigmoxical

  1. There seem to be a few people who are defending the Amazon adaptation of the Wheel of Time. I have to ask why. The producers seem to be doing about the same thing that was done with the adaptation of the Shannara series, that is, taking some names and content and making their own story out of it. I (personally) am a fan of James Rigney (aka Robert Jordan) and his depth of work, his passion, his storytelling, and his wordsmithing. Every character that James created has been sabotaged in the Amazon debacle, and his foundation and story line have been left out in the cold. My question, then, is: Why are people still defending this horrible rip-off of Jim's work? Really - on this forum, is it permissible to ask this basic question? And if not, then why not, please?  Thank you.

  2. 17 hours ago, AusLeviathan said:

    Granted so far all women in the show seem to be warriors in their own way so it seems to be an across the board change.


    Anyone who thinks that the first three episodes are a good representation of Nynaeve needs to reread the books, it's a very different interpretation.

    I believe that we can expect more "changes" like this as it moves forward. Has anyone studied the Director, Uta Briesewitz? She is a very outspoken advocate of "women power." No, I'm not going where you assume I am. Instead, I have a question: Why did the women of the series need more power? Think about it...the Amyrlin Seat, considered to be the most powerful woman in the world. Min, without whom Rand would have likely lost it. She kept him grounded and human. Moraine, who needed to be there at the final battle. Morgaise, Elayne, Fayle, Brigitte, Avienda, on and on and on. They all played very powerful roles without emasculating the men. Rand, in the books, could not have won without them. It was all good. So why do they need to be more "empowered?"

  3. 3 hours ago, Beidomon said:

    To be honest, while it’s clear they’re trying to build up the female characters - Wonder Woman Nynaeve - it didn’t really dawn on me that there conversely shitting all over the male characters.

    If this aspect had been in the book, I could accept it. The problem that "we" are having is that there was very little attempt to stick with the foundations of Jim's story as written. They took his world and the names in his world and delivered a different product. This is the issue, here.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Sir_Charrid said:

    This feels like an early 2000’s piece of tv and that is an issue. Shows like game of thrones, See, the Expanse, Lucifer and the boys have demonstrated that you can have really intelligent writing and direction on the small screen where as so far this feel more like the arrow verse

    Exactly, Sir_Charrid. It's much like a low-budget SiFi channel adaptation. Sorry, Agitel, but I'm not the only person with these observations. I would rather they scrap the whole project and start from scratch. The actors are fine...the directors, scenes, and script are not.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Agitel said:

    Like...  It's comments like this that make me wonder if people just set their expectations way too high.

    Agitel, the problem is that I DON'T set my expectations too high! That's how bad this production is that I felt that I had to comment at all! They have shown great disrespect to Jim and to his work, as well as to his readers.

  6. I might add that they've completely screwed up the introduction, the foundation, not only of Moraine and Lan, but that of Perrin (who, in the book, strived extra hard to be gentle because of his size), but also Thom and Min, two of the most important characters. They pulled the introduction of the Whitecloaks out of their butts. There are wolves, completely at the wrong time and with no Elyas. In all, ALL of Jim's foundations have been discarded so that the directors could insert their own narrative. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, Beidomon said:

    Some of the writing and dialogue is just terrible. The darkfriend scene was important, but just felt incredibly cheesy. Her monologue was awful. Again - YA as all hell. There is nothing like that in the first 5 seasons of GOT. Yes, I’m going to make the comparison because GOT is the new benchmark and WOTTV is FAILING.

    Well said. If Amazon wanted their own GOT, then this is an utter fail. I'm trying to watch a bit more, and it just keeps getting worse. IMO, the only way to salvage this mess is to suspend the series now and get a real director (perhaps of del Toro caliber) to bring life to series. Otherwise, Amazon has just thrown it's money away and has also made it highly unlikely that anyone will ever try to make this series into something good in the future. The entire "spirit" of the series is completely absent.

  8. Well Folks, sorry to say, but I won't be able to stomach watching the rest of this mess. I was REALLY looking forward to it! IMO, they've taken "poetic license" way too far. I believe that Jim would be disgusted with how they raped his work in order to make his world (which he created) fit into "their world." There is practically nothing (in episode 1) that lines up with the foundations established in EOTW. Even having read the series about ten times, it was hard to follow. The "special effects" are horrible. I may be wrong, but I'm under the impression that one of the directors for the (awful) Shannara series was involved. If so, that would explain a lot. So, I won't be watching the rest of this utter mess of a production. I give it a 1/2 star out of 10. Yes, that bad. I only gave that 1/2 star because they managed to get some names right.

  9. Well Folks, sorry to say, but I won't be able to stomach watching the rest of this mess. I was REALLY looking forward to it! IMO, they've taken "poetic license" way too far. I believe that Jim would be disgusted with how they raped his work in order to make his world (which he created) fit into "their world." There is practically nothing that lines up with the foundations established in EOTW. Even having read the series about ten times, it was hard to follow. The "special effects" are horrible. I may be wrong, but I'm under the impression that one of the directors for the (awful) Shannara series was involved. If so, that would explain a lot. So, I won't be watching the rest of this utter mess of a production. I give it a 1/2 star out of ten. Yes, that bad.

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