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Posts posted by UltramegaOK

  1. Theoretically, the Children's intentions are also good.


    Those Aes Sedai characters that are cast as even mostly good have to wade through endless chaff to complete their 'good' acts.  What does that say about the breed?


    Agreed.  As are the Seanchan.


    Gotta remember to look at it from their perspective.  The Children are woefully misguided, but clearly they are not all darkfriends to the last man.  Most of them have just bought into the demagogery of their own organization.  By the end, even Pedron Niall himself was ready to admit that the true Dragon had been reborn, and as I recall, he even mused that SOME form of temporary truce with the WT might be necessary.


    As for the Seanchan, same thing applies.  Their core philosphy tells them that ALL channelers are dangerous, and technically, they are correct.  All channelers CAN be dangerous, but they ignore the fact that channelers are people and deserve to be free until they demonstrate that they can't be trusted with their own power.


    The people at the top of any organization sets the culture.  It's like a CEO at any major company.  If the CEO attempts to earn the respect and admiration of their employees, the culture of that company is based on earned respect.  If the CEO uses fear and intimidation exclusively, then that will take over the culture of the company.


    Just look at what happened to Aridhol when Mordeth arrived.


    Awesome thread.

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