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Posts posted by Valorian

  1. Van looked around and simply shook his head. He knew what this exercise was for. The tower was trying to gauge its effectiveness and readiness against the Chosen when the time came for battle. He was truly amazed at the audacity of them to think they could take on the Chosen. However this would give him good information to report back to them in regards to the weaknesses of the Tower as well as there possible battle plans. It was always good to have a man on the inside.


    He adjusted his shield and looked around the front line. He was a master of thunder on the ocean. Part of his job was commanding the shield wall. Thunder on the ocean was the breathing shield wall of the Tower. They were the front line defense, the immovable force. He barely kept the sneer from his face. These few were supposed to be able to hold against the hordes of trollocs and other things that would come pouring out of the blight during tarmon gaidon.


    He saw the flash of light marking the beginning of the event. He kept his eyes open looking around taking mental notes on formations and numbers as they started forward. This was going to be a long day and the more he could pay attention and remember details. The more they would be pleased when they received his report.

  2. Llugh checked and adjusted his sword in the light of the dawning sun. He had been told to treat this as actual combat however he knew it was not. He was of the path of Ren'shai. To him combat was everything. He was one of the living blade of the tower. This exercise would do well to show him the true resiliency of his chosen path. Ren'Shai were trained to be living weapons. Herbalism as well as swordsmanship was learned to keep them going even when injured. True he was a master of the path however the main drive of ren'shai was to find your limits..push beyond them and to redefine ones self.


    He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Letting the breath out slowly he focused his mind on the task at hand. He knew there was no true fighting to be had however he had a defined objective. Make it across the field with minimal loss of resources. In this case the resources being the other members of the tower guard.


    He looked around as he rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. It was going to be a long day and there was no sense in wasting energy. Most of the guards he did not recognize. He had been gone for a time and the studies he had put into his path had kept him busy when he wasn't on duty. He looked up as the signal flare to start was given. He gave a nod to the guards around him as they started on there way forward.

  3. While I see there is a lull in the aspect of training new recruits in the warder yards..I am however bringing back two of my TG's. Both are free to be bonded as well as both being blade masters. However one of them has a bit of a nasty surprise as he is a darkfriend. So should any interest in them arise for a possible warder please let me know.


    There names..


    Vanair Sharkan

    Tower Guard


    Master of Thunder on the Ocean


    Llugh of the Strong Arm

    Tower Guard

    Master of Ren'Shai

  4. Greetings!


    Long time no see. So I'm making a comeback..with most of my characters. Considering I don't see my old bio in the archives do I need to resubmit it or do I need to start all over?


    Mordican Lethwyn

    Wolfbrother (Ranger in training)

  5. Valan stepped through the gateway and looked around. The landscape was much different then he was used to in the Borderlands. There were to many trees...to much cover for shadowspawn to hide in. He was used to cities like Fal Dara. Where defense was the first priority.


    The Black Tower...is what the place was supposedly called. He didn't see anything that even remotely resembled a Tower. His feelings were mixed. He knew here he would recieve training..yet he didn't know if it is what he should do or not. He knew he would go mad channeling. However he was not ready to die yet so the only option was to train and learn to control.


    He stood looking around he knew he probably looked like some dumbfounded outlander but he could not see a place where new recruits would be. He walked around aimlessly trying to get a bearing on where he should report.


    Valan Al'Akir

    New Recruit

  6. Owan stood at the entrance to the archery field. One of the scouts had requested training. He thought about that for a second and shook his head. There was a good natured ribbing between most of the branches of the Band.


    He looked at the piece of paper again that had the request. The shortbow..not exactly the strongest of bows but able to be used from horseback and in tight spots. He had used it a few times but prefered the longbow.


    He had given a note to one of the privates to get to her telling her to meet him at the yard this morning. Hopefully this scout would be punctual and on time for a change. He took up his longbow and walked to the start of the field. He could at least get a little practice of his own in while waiting for her.


    Owan Bloodeye

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