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Posts posted by saidarisnowtainted

  1. Can using a Terangreal be sensed?  If i use the BF rod, can it be sensed?  If yes, how is it sensed?  by men?  by women?  by both?  how by both???


    also, do Terangreal use either the male or female half or both?  Or can each be possible?


    also, if the latter is the case, is making different terangreal dependant upon it being made with either half, or both together


    we know Elayne makes terangreal with the female half.  maybe the dream rings are weak b/c they should be made with the male half?

  2. Durinax, you don't know that. Thom said the myrrdraal wasn't really after him, and that's why he got out of it alive. RJ said what I quoted above, and there's still the question of how Thom servived the wound he received if the myrddraal used a Thakan'dar-made blade (as they usually do). Other than that, we know squat about what happened there.


    anyone that fights a fade and lives, i would loosely state that they "won". 

  3. I wonder if thom's knives are terangreal with some projectile ability either physical or energy/power-thus te flashes b/f he reached the fade and how he managed to win the fight

    Thom never won the fight with the fade, the only reason he did so well against it was the shock value of his attack


    consider something caused the flash before Thom engaged the fade and RJ said Thom's knives are indeed special when asked about this.  What else do we know that could point to something else?


  4. What if:


    Janduin had the potential to channel..


    When his love died, he snapped and touched the source for the first time...


    Having touched the source, his aging starts slowing...


    As a channeling male, he goes to the Blight...


    He isnt actually killed but rather captured...


    He is turned to the dark side by the "gun on the shelf"


    When Ishy is killed he repo's Janduin's body.


    Moridin:  "Aaaaaay am your father!"

    Rand:  "Nooooooo, that's impAHsible!"


    Moridin dies at SG.  Since it's Janduin's body, it's Rand's blood.


    ---by now, for all who have cared to notice, i enjoy taking wacky ideas and running with them.


    isnt actually killed but rather captured...


    And if Ja

  5. This may not be a simple question, but it IS from a simple person. Or maybe it is. What would happen if someone went in to tel'aran'rhiod in the flesh, and fell asleep wearing a dream ter'angreal? Would a dream version of themselves appear there as well? Or might they dream themselves into another higher plane of tel'aran'rhiod? Also, have we seen any detrimental effect on Egwene having entered in the flesh yet?


    you just blew my mind

  6. during that time I believe Mat is with the girls in Tanchico, Salidar, Ebou dar,

    Mat was never in Tanchico. He was on his way to Illian when Perrin arrived in Caemlyn, and later he joined the girls.


    in know that, what i mean is why the similarity in colors

    No, I don't think there was any intention to hint at men being evil. The symbol is from a time before the DO was known. It might have something to do with the color of heart-stone. I've seen speculation that men-made cuendillar is black.


    I too suspect that cuendillar made by men is black. I'm trying to remember if we have any examples of cuendillar in a color other than black or white. I don't think so...


    Clearly the symbol is based on Yin/Yang, which also represents male and female, destruction and creation, etc. all in balance working with and against each other just like WoT. Series-wise, it probably originated as the symbol of saidin/saidar pushing on each other to turn the wheel (makes sense for the symbol of AoL AS), and the black and white are probably to show them as opposites.


    but there is a blatant similarity in the OP represented by white and black working against each other vs the light and the dark.  did the author simply miss the fact that he was using similar means to describe each?

  7. i was confused about whether to post this in the general WOT discussion or here, so better safe than sorry.


    do you guys think there is any connection between (i) the AS symbol where white represents saidar and black represents saidin; and (ii) the OP/Creator is the "Light" and the TP/DO is "Dark".


    it's just odd to me that at least in terms of color representation, we have a similarity

  8. Maybe it's just my poor memory...


    when and why did Rand stop using the sword of fire?


    That is a good point. I think it was after his captivity in book 6.


    CoS - Shadar Logoth, when he's chasing Sammael and runs into a bunch of trollocs.

    That's the last occasion I can remember.



    An even then he was hesitant to use it due to the attention it bring on him from Mashadar.


    do you guys think that there was further reason behind him stopping?  by stopping were there ramifications?  or is it really unimportant?

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