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Posts posted by fortuneprickme

  1. These are thoughts that coalece after reading this entire thread.  All very good thoughts which led me to this:


    Aes Sedai - The people in the government/intelligentsia. Not necessarily a "One Governsment" but they ran all culture and governments. (Rods of Dominion, etc).  "Servants of All" might have started out as the ideal (helping Travel and Healing) but later turned into more of our current politicians who, in turn, fall back on the turn "representatives"  when in truth they just lean towards selfish gain more often as not.  NOT ALL clearly, but note the Foresaken and hundreds of Dreadlords or other arrogant Aes Sedai without redeeming qualities.


    LTT - Leader of these governments (Emperor of many different lands)


    Aiel - Employees of the Aes Sedai to help the government run (harvests, Tree Singing, examples of servitude for the public). Since they are seen as "People of the Dragon", they might be loaned out by LTT or the station of Dragon like indentured servants to Aes Sedai as helpers; but protected and esteemed for The Way of the Leaf.  Not unlike lords in the Middle Ages. TWotL in turn is a way to condition a portion of the population as well as maintain the trust of the citizens.


    Citizens - In the last few memories of Rand, they come across as not really more than people living their lives. No celebrity, historical notes, nor impact. Almost by-products or unsuccessful offspring that don't have the OP?


    Just thoughts I wanted to shove out into the Randiverse. Sleep well and wake.





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