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Posts posted by Sevynwarr

  1. I'm currently reading A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin. If you can get through the first book of the series it's a really great series to read while waiting on Wheel of time... of course the wait between books is typically longer than the longest period of time we ever had to wait for a WoT book.


    Before that was Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card, which is a direct sequel to Ender's Game rather than taking place 30 years later like the other sequels. It was surprisingly good for a book I thought was nothing but the author trying to get an easy paycheck by selling yet another Ender book. It felt a lot more like Ender's Game and a lot less like Speaker for the Dead.


    And before that was the Desthstalker series by Simon R. Green. They're not the best written books in the universe, but they are so incredibly entertaining that you just don't care most of the time.


    Next up I plan to read Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet. I've heard really good things about it, and I liked the Starz miniseries based on it. Or maybe The Stand by Stephen King, I've always wanted to read that but never gotten around to it.

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