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Darien Anderas

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Posts posted by Darien Anderas

  1. Mikael gazed around him, his eyes wide.What an odd dream...The city surrounding him was Caemlyn,but it seemed subtly different from his home. Walking slowly down the streets, he reveled in the peace and quiet of this dream. It seemed so remarkably different from his recent nightmares of shadows and wolves. Why there's Old Brendil's Shop...

    He walked for a ways before turning down a supposedly empty alley, only to find it occupied. Two people stood there looking warily at one another. The first was a large man, who had the look of one capable of defending himself. He gave a start at the mans eyes, a yellow that closely resembled that of the wolves who walked his nightmares. He turned to the woman and received yet another shock. She's beautiful... He quickly closed his mouth, embarrassed that he had been staring at a woman, even a dream-woman. Then he saw the sigil on her shawl. His mouth went dry. An Aes Sedai?! "Why am I dreaming of an Aes Sedai!"

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