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Okay so,


We here in the Midwest of the US got hit with some ice so if you were looking for me this past weekend, I'm sorry we missed each other, net and electric were spotty and so I avoided it most of the time hoping to keep warm with my hubby instead!


We're expecting bad weather again this weekend but hopefully not ice which tends to cut power, internet, etc.


Just the same it's a Cam weekend for me so I won't be online again until sunday at the earliest which, if you need me, you can catch me on skype.


Worst comes to absolute worst and you can't live without hearing from me til sunday... email my work email addie (please don't use this often as I really shouldn't get mail there too often of a personal nature) - deanna[at]hortonstores[dot]com


I'll try to catch up on RPs here tonight before bed. Sorry for delays in starting Kin rps gang!




-Dee (aka)

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