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Pan's Labyrinth


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So Emp and I took in dinner and a movie last Friday, and he movie we picked was Pan's. I actually really enjoyed it. The characters were archetypes, and therefore a little on the flat side, but they were all there to serve the greater story. How to put this (braindead monday), basically many movies tell the story of a character's journey and changes, this movie tells a larger story and the characters are each facets of the larger story.


The effects were good and didn't distract from the story (in some movies the effects are jarring and push me out of the story instead of drawing me in). I also very much enjoyed the acting, the little girl did an excellent job.


Overall, this is NOT one for the kids (I think the captain was much crueler, and though given the chance to show redeeming qualities, he didn't... in a way that wouldn't fly in an american movie). There is a lot that is just genuinely disturbing, BUT there is a lot that is beautiful as well. I'd certainly like to watch it again or even own it, there's a lot more to think about that I'm not gonna post just now because the last time I tried to write this post it was eaten and I am still mad about that.

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Guest Emperor

Hmm, not sure if I would put this on the top of my list of 06 like Stephen King, but overall a great movie. Very different from what we are spoon fed in theatres in the US.

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