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The babe with the power. The power of voodoo.


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You remind me of the babe.

What babe?

The babe with the power.

What power?

The power of voodoo.

Who do?

You do.

Do what?

Remind me of the babe.


Ok, I think it's time everyone share their "I'd totally do them" list. Who's your babe/dude with the power of voodoo? They can be musicians, actors, models, whatever...just someone from pop/other culture who has captured your eyes...or your hormones. And spouses/significant others don't count.


*glares at Empy and Yv*


Here's my top 5:


1. Debbie Gibson -- my first love *sighs*...I still own all of her old tapes

2. Gillian Anderson -- but only as Dana Scully...love the intellectual skepticism

3. Angelina Jolie -- mmmm...those lips! Really, it's just about the lips.

4. Kate Winslet -- cuz she's a real woman and doesn't pretend to be anything else.

5. Zach Braff -- ummm...my wife made me put him on my list. *looks shifty*

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Guest Emperor

I mean Yveva would be #1... definetly #1...


But since Paityr is twisting my arm.... and making me post this...


1. Scarlett Johansen

2. Jessica Alba

3. Tricia Helfer

4. Kate Winslett

5. Jewel Staite


I won't give reasons why, but it has nothing to do with their personality.

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Hmmm...yeah, I think it's time to finally bump Deborah off of my list. I'm going to agree with Empy and put Miss Scarlett on top of me...erm, I mean my list.


But it has absolutely nothing to do with her beautiful ta-ta's. Nope...nothing at all.

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Guest Karana Majin



1 - Johnny Depp. I would do him until he was done.

2 - Orlando Bloom. He's a bit of all right, I must say.

3 - Vince Vaughn. He seems like fun.

4 - Jack Black. Tell me THAT wouldn't be hyper and fun.

5 - The actor who plays Mohinder Suresh on Heroes.


I know there are lots of guys I have drooled over, but if I can't think of their names, it must not matter.

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