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September 17th, 2007


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This week is a very memorable week for me for two very important reasons.

Four years ago, this world lost the Dragon himself, when James Oliver Rigney passed away. He is now in heaven, telling his stories to anyone who wants to listen to great stories and hear about great characters.

One day later, she who was my girlfriend at the time met me at the SeaTac airport. I asked her to marry me two days later on September 20th, 2007, and I officially became her husband on our wedding day exactly one year later.

However, this topic is in rememberance to James Oliver Rigney, whom most of us remember best as Robert Jordan.

I never had the good fortune to meet this great man, but through his books, interviews, and blogs, I really feel like I knew him.

My Sig says, "Death is as light as a feather, but Duty is as heavy as a mountain."

I have tried to live my life under the influence of that Borderlanders saying ever since the WOT became a great part of my life a dozen years ago.

There is more that I could say here, but I want to see what reactions others are having to this 4th anniversary of RJ's passing from this world.

The winds of time blow through this world, and the ages come and go, but the Wheel shall always weave as the Wheel wills.


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