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Enter the world of WOT!


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Hello everyone, I have recently com across the greatest WOT game ever!. It is in the form of Wheel of Time MUD(a mud is a text based RP game). The creators and coders in this mud did such a great job recreating RJ's world it's amazing. All the towns are exactly where they should be, all the weapons, races, you can even visit all the places that RAnd and his gang go to. Be a Trolloc, killing and pillaging everywhere you go. Become a powerful Aes Sedai and seek out training at the White Tower, or defend the borderlands as a soldier. Join the whitecloaks and purify the land of Darkfriends, or be a darkfriend, serving the Great Lord as a simple man, or one of the CHosen. Join the red eagles and defend Emonds Field against the shadow, and hunt known criminals(other players) who enter the land of Manetheren. If you have the ability to channel you could join the Black Tower and serve the Dragon using the power as a formidable weapon. Even run with the wolves as a wolfbrother, howling against the moonlit sky in search of shadowspawn. The possibilites are endless, so connect NOW!



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