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Nightingale's song [RPG]


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Hey, all!


Some of you here, use to know me as jozan, but that was some time ago though.

Now I'm not rping much at all...got other things to do.


But I'm thinking of creating an RPG site again! So I was wondering, if there's anyone here that would be interested in helping me get it up.


The title is "Nightingale's song" it's fantasy but draws a little from ancient Japan, maybe some from China and Korea. But it's fiction of course.


I have no real story yet...but I've got four clans "Oda, Arashi, Tokugawa, Mokonishu"

There are of course four Lords, "Kira Oda, Haru Togugawa, Daku Arashi, Lia Mokonishu"


I have plans to write a short book about it too, but that's far from finished...haven't even started yet.


Anyway, if you wanna help me..send an mail to az_lindros@hotmail.com

Thanks in advance! ^-^ 

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