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ANNOUNCING: The newly revamped Recipes site is open!

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ANNOUNCING: The newly revamped Recipes site is open!


This site encourages all of Dragonmount members to participate. Please inform me, or Amalthea if you choose to.


Any Org who wishes to participate may do so using your own form of raising "points" or rank (I use that term broadly)



PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR ORG LEADER, and do not assume you will get points, unless they expressly post it on their boards.


WE now have a Caretaker! *saaaaweet* The position is short term and are ideal for lower ranking members who want to earn their ranks. The Caretake is allowed to have one Novice helper. (which is still open)


Caretaker's job duties

The caretaker receives the recipes via the Website, accepts or denies the recipes, uploads it, if approved and reports it to Org Leader in a monthly tally.


The Caretaker can be anyone who is seriously engaging at the Dragonmount site, and that you believe is serious about staying during their term as Caretaker inquire to either Cleopatra or Lor (U4ea).



You thought this was about points and ranks didn't you  ;) Well it is but Kathana and I both discussed, a few years ago, about putting into print the 148+ recipes that we already have from the WT recipes board of old. We still intend to do this and using the Profits to further our D*Con fun! Kath will have more info on that. We plan on printing each volume as it grows. Each will be for sale at a moderate price. Many of you who, are full Sedai over 3 years or better, may well remember this Recipes site  ;)


For more information about participation, contact your Org Leader or Amaltha. The email for contacting her directly for information (only) is on the banner below.


To SUBMIT a recipe, you must go to the Website to post into a form.


Dragonmount Recipes Site


For those of you who want to take a trip down memory lane...


The White Tower Recipes   ;)  :-*





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