About Dragonmount
Who we are
Dragonmount is a fan-maintained community dedicated to Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time fantasy series. It's a gathering of people from all over the world who have come together to experience the series to its fullest. Our goal is to enrich people's experience of The Wheel of Time. We do this by offering news, videos, discussion forums, social media, online clubs, role playing, an online store, games, and much more. The true focus of this site will always be on the community itself and the friendships we share. We hope that this site will be a place where one may come on a regular basis to socialize and meet new people who also love reading these incredible books. Before his passing in 2007, Robert Jordan himself was one of our frequent visitors to the site. We continue to host his blog, which is occasionally contributed to by his family. Dragonmount is also proud to be a friend to Brandon Sanderson, the acclaimed fantasy writer who completed Robert Jordan's unfinished book series. Dragonmount was founded by Jason Denzel in 1998. It is currently led by CEO Kathy Campbell and an incedible list of individuals consisiting of administrators, Club Leaders, moderators, technical wizards, and content contributors. A full list of Dragonmount's staff can be found here. We are not officially affiliated with the Robert Jordan's estate, his book publishers, Amazon Prime Video, Sony Pictures Television, or any other rights holder. We are, however, frequent collaborators with many of those groups. Members of our staff have volunteered as beta readers and thematic consultants on various WoT-related projects, including the books themselves.History
In October of 1998, Dragonmount opened its doors to the public. The site was founded by Jason Denzel with the help of a number of other people. Our goal back then was to simply provide a place for fans of The Wheel of Time series to come together and discuss the books in a web-based setting. There were originally six "Organizations" (the precursors to our online Clubs, and only five of which had leaders). They were intended to be smaller clubs within the larger community. The site was primitive compared to today's standards and was very slow loading, but we still managed to get by. Over the next few years, after numerous server and internet provider upgrades to accommodate our swelling presence, Dragonmount exploded with popularity and was able to proudly claim to be one of the most successful WoT sites on the Internet. Most importantly though, the website became home to fans from all across the world. Thousands of people came here (and continue to do so today) on a daily basis to meet up with their friends and to delve in deeper into The Wheel of Time universe. Our community has countless stories about the people that came here, and every day a new story is made, and new heroes are sung in myth and song. Ask any Gleeman. Currently, we are in our 9th major revision of the web site and we look forward to all of the exciting things that the future of this site has to offer. No Ogier were hurt during the process of making this community. In October of 2023, after 25 active years, our founder Jason Denzel stepped away from a leadership role at Dragonmount in order to focus on his fiction writing career. You can learn more about his work on his website, JasonDenzel.com. Around that same time in 2023 Dragonmount restructured itself to become a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization within the United States. It's led by a board of directors including founder Jason Denzel. The current CEO of Dragonmount is Kathy Campbell, who is also a board member.
Disclosure of interest
Dragonmount is supported by banner ad revenue, ebook sales income, affiliate links, and by our incredibly generous Patreon supporters. We occassionally collaborate with book publishers or other groups to market their products. The most common example of this is how we've worked with Tor Books to promote The Wheel of Time series as well as other books that they publish, including founder Jason Denzel's fiction books. As of 2019, Dragonmount currently receives paid sponsorship from Tor Books. In return we promote their banner ads and occasionally discuss or review their books. They provide no editorial direction and we do not alter our reviews based on their sponsorship. Occassionally we have accepted small tokens of appreciation for our work, such as early copies of the books, or other small promotional items. In 2021 founder Jason Denzel and producer Kathy Campbell were flown to London for the Season One Premiere of Amazon Prime Video's Wheel of Time TV show. They received sentimental non-monetary gifts and were given rare or exclusive access into the show's inner workings. In exchange, the Dragonmount team used that access to provide unique, in-depth coverage of the show. Amazon does not provide editorial direction and Dragonmount does not alter reviews based on their involvement. One of Dragonmount's first administrators, Jennifer Liang, is the founder and chairperson of JordanCon, a non-profit organization which accepts prizes and giveaways to help promote the annual JordanCon convention. Jason Denzel was a JordanCon board member from 2011 until 2021. Dragonmount has been an affiliate of Amazon.com since 1998. Some links from this website which point to Amazon give us a small percentage of the purchase. In 2012, Dragonmount became a seller of Tor's DRM-free eBooks, which includes the entire catalogue of Wheel of Time books. We retain a profit off each eBook sale. All profits go to funding website upgrades, maintenance, paying content contributors, and other projects related to the community. Sound the Horn! The Hunt is on, and may Dragonmount be your hunting-place!