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The Fisher King

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Posts posted by The Fisher King

  1. This one isn't really a quote - more of a funny situation, but I found it hysterical in book 2 when Rand had no idea what he was doing or saying at that party of the nobility but his cluelessnes and blunt honesty had everyone convinced that he was mysterious and formidable.




  2. In either book 4 or book 5 when Mat had just schooled the Aiel at a game of dagger-throwing with his spooky skill and luck and - having thoroughly freaked them out - they tell him "Some time again, perhaps, maybe, some day, Matrim Cauthon."


    And Mat thinks to himself that that is basically the Aiel way of saying "No way in Hell" of ever hanging out again.






  3. I don't know if this counts as a funny QUOTE more than it does a funny MOMENT, but it cracks me up all the same. I'm talking about the running gag early in the series of Mat dropping things everytime he heard something shocking, lol.


    In book 1 he drops the goblet when Rand says that Mordeth didn't have a shadow...then, in book 2, Mat dropping the eggs (he was juggling) when Perrin reveals that Rand can Channel.




  4. Thom, coming up on Moiraine Damodred in his room, thinking immediately to himself:


    'Now THATS a fine-looking woman!'


    Then, a second later, chiding himself:


    'Fool! Fool! Shes Aes Sedai and you're too tired to think straight!'






  5. One of my previous questions paraphrased::

    Morgase tells Tallanvor about Compulsion in detail. Little of that stuff was revealed in the discussion earlier in the chapter; and the term Compulsion was not used by anybody in that discussion.

    Where (and/or from whom) did Morgase get the info (including the term)?


    I noticed this too!!! Its another one of those 'Liberties' I feel Brandon has been taking. I'm learning, roughly, to swallow these 'Sandersonisms' ... A similar one, I always felt, was the chapter "A Storm Of The Light" in TOM where we see Rand's Channeling from RODEL'S pov and he is using terms like 'Deathgates' and 'Blossoms of Fire.'




  6. I would say the Dark One intended for Semi to die, if only because of a quote from a Semi POV in LOC that seems to be one of the more obvious foreshadowings in the series.


    She had never been more than an indifferent tcheran player, but Shaidar Haran was a new piece on the board, one of unknown strength and purpose. And one daring way to capture your opponent's High Counselor and turn it to your side was to sacrifice your Spires in a false attack. She would kneel if need be, but she would not be sacrificed.


    Thats an awesome quote, GLYD!Id forgottene about that one. (makes it pretty clear.)




  7. This is a paraphrase from memory, but it always cracked me up:


    As Mat wandered through the street, if Elayne and Nynaeve had been cavorting with Jaichim Carridin in the fountain he doubted he'd notice.






  8. I know this thread is supposed to be for FUNNY Wot Quotes, and this one is definitely the opposite of funny, but I have to add it because it STILL can give me chills all these years later:


    '"Remember, you fool! Remember your futile attack on the Great Lord of the Dark! Remember his counterstroke! Remember! Even now the Hundred Companions are tearing the world apart, and every day a hundred men more join them. What hand slew Ilyena Sunhair, Kinslayer? Not mine. Not mine. What hand struck down every life that bore a drop of your blood, everyone who loved you, everyone you loved? Not mine, Kinslayer. Not mine. Remember, and know the price of opposing Shai'tan!"




  9. Werthead, thanks for that, but I was looking for something that gives more details about the ending of the third Mistborn book.


    Wert is NOT your biatch!





    Edited to add...just in case it wasn't apparent, I was teasing - a total riff off Gaiman's infamous declaration.

  10. 99% of the time I prefer to be getting the POV from inside the main character;s own head, but every now and then a chapter where that main character is being observed from the POV of another character can be alot of fun.


    Two examples that I really enjoyed both, coincidentally come from KOD - and involve Mat (also coincidentally):


    1 The one in KOD that is a ''Mat Chapter'' but is from Tuon's POV


    2 The one in KOD that is a ''Mat Chapter'' but is from Furyk Karede's POV ... his request to meet with ''General Merrilin'' was great, LOL!!!



    - Fish

  11. Tuon was ludicrously out of character. As for Mat, 80% is not even close to all. He was a lot more familiar than he'd been in TGS, but Sanderson's touch was quite evident.


    In what WAY do you feel she was ''ludicrously'' out of character? Read her scene with Beslan and the scene with Rand and Nynaeve in TGS? If you have read The COT/KOD Tuon Dualogy, you have to feel like she was down pat.



    I agree that Mat seemed a bit ''Sander-Goofy'' in certain Camelyn scenes in TOM, but how do we know that those weren't part of the 80% written by Jordan? Remember, Sanderson said that Jordan himself left orders that POST-KOD Mat was SUPPOSED to be a bit goofy.



    - Fish

  12. My absolute favorite scenes happened in Robert Jordan's last book in Knife of Dreams.


    The chemistry between Mat and Tuon were just perfect. I think my absolute favorite was in the latter half of chapter 25 Attending Elaida and Mat let a poisonous snake go and quite suddenly Tuon told Mat that he has permission to kiss her and well I don't think I laughed so much and just be happy from any scene. Also close second was when Tuon suddenly completed the marriage ritual with Mat in the middle of Under an Oak.


    Oh I so miss RJ's Mat and Tuon.


    As usual, I can't keep from chiming in on a remark that intrigued me - and this one certainly did. First, if you are missing RJ's Mat so badly, go back and reread TOM which (except for Perrin) he has the most amount of POVS in the book. Also, its been confirmed by Sanderson that 80% of the ''Mat Chapters'' were written by Jordan before his death.


    Also, and this is JUST *my* opinion, but Tuon is actually one of the characters that Sanderson has actually NAILED...again, to each their own :-)



    - Fish

  13. Hey guys, Peter Ahlstrom's requested our help finding typos. Here's how he's looking for it to be done.


    Luckers, could you start a thread for typos/errata? I think it would be helpful. Here's what entries could look like:


    p246 "such words that like"

    p515 "for straight through"

    p528 "none of the would"


    (My dad found those in his read.) Basically we just need a page number and a short verbatim quote containing the error. An explanation of why it's an error can be added if it's not super obvious. (I think the UK page numbers should be the same or very close, but if you want, edition could be specified too.)


    I am presuming he only means actualy Typgraphical issues and not canon/plot inconsistencies - such as a member of the Chosen referring to the Great Lord as the ''Dark One'' ? - (as Graendal does many times)... or having a character in the wrong geographical location (like Sulin in TGS).





  14. Luckers: At the risk of sounding Suckuperish, I am forced to agree with Hand Of The Creator above - this is a magnificent post. Bravo.


    Also, I agree with someone above who mentioned that this (the Moridin/Rand Link) is one of my very favorite remaining storylines in the series that is still ongoing.


    The fireside chat between Rand and Moridin in TGS was one of my very favorite scenes in the last several books. It was a beautiful nod to the earlier Rand/Ishamael scenes in the series and it captured that old feel magically. It also gave a palpable sense of something DEEP - on several levels - transpiring there between them in that scene. It also reminded me what an utterly compelling and fascinating character Elan and Ishamael were...and Moridin is.


    Now. This brings me to what I feel is a pertinent question. I raised it in the Chapter One topic on the TOM Spoiler Board:


    If a ''connection'' between Rand and Moridin DOES exist since their streams touched in ACOS, (and we know that it DOES), then:


    What types of feelings are MORIDIN experiencing now that his link-buddy (Rand) is Post-VOG???


    Zen-Peace Loving-Hippie-Flower Power-Lets All Get Along dispositions are all well and good for the ''good guys'' to have...but, WHAT kind of EFFECT is MORIDIN experiencing from a Post-Dragonmount Rand?


    Any chance Moridin is being filled with Light and unwillingly downloading a backlash of Rand's new ''Mr Soul'' persona?


    If so, what ramifications will it have?


    If not...WHY not? I mean, theyve been linked and sharing each others emotions so far...







  15. I agree with mb totally that thats the deal.


    In the case of Mat and Rand and Perrin its sorta like The Pattern's way of allowing the boys each a way of keeping a mental eye on his fellow 2 ta'veren. Sorta a ''Ta'veren Telepathy'', if you will.


    As for Moridin...it seeeeems to be a result of when Rand and Moridin's streams of Balefire crossed in Shadar Logoth that time.




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