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Posts posted by Sakaea

  1. I just finished AMOL about 30 minutes ago. Words fail me, they truly do. Yet I feel the need to find the right words, much as Thom was doing.


    I've been reading WoT for 12 years. Not as long as some of you, true. But it helped to shape me, make me into who I am today. I felt such sadness that it was ending, that there would never be another Wheel of Time book. But then, there are no true endings, are there?  


    For everyone who died, I cried. Having grown up with these characters, these friends, every death was painful (yes, even Gawyn's.) The only part I didn't like was Siuan's death, the way that it happened "off-camera", so to speak. I feel that she deserved a better ending than she got, but I also feel that she wouldn't have wanted her death to be distracting, somehow. And of course, Gareth charging the Trollocs in full battle mode was a fitting end for him.


    Bela. So she wasn't the Dark One, but she survived to carry Olver when he needed it. And of course Olver would be the Hornsounder; very fitting. 


    Faile not dying was good. I know many have hated her, and while I never loved her, the hurt that would have caused Perrin would have been too much.


    Egwene's death, while sad, was perfect. The Amyrlin's Flame, turns the Shadow to Crystal. Beautiful.


    I can't begin to express how glad I am that Lan survived. Not only survived, but killed Demandred! Perfect. Tai'shar Malkier!


    Mat, Fortuona, Min, Aviendha, Elayne, Birgitte...I think they all were wonderful in this. So glad we have a name for Min's Talent now! I wish that we somehow could see Mat's child, and Elayne's, and Avi's (because I'm sure she's pregnant), see them grow up, and become the next generation of awesome...but I think that's probably best left to us, isn't it? Us, the generation of people who read the Wheel of Time, will never let it end. We, the fans, will keep it alive, introducing it to our children, who will grow up with it, and get to ask (for a while) "But what happens next??" with eyes of wonder and souls of adventure.


    For a while.


    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.

  2. I can respect that you didn't like them. Totally cool, his writing isn't for everyone. But I have read, and I own, every SK book ever written. As such, I picked up nuances in the Dark Tower series that only fans would see. The thing with the sneetches, it was part him poking fun at HP, and part respect for another author. It's not a ripoff, it's a mechanic of writing. Yeah, I'll admit, I was PISSED OFF when I first finished the series. But the second time I read it through, I realized it really was the only possible ending. The Dark Tower is the hub of all existence, much like a Wheel :wink: So of course it goes back to the beginning.


    Also, Ted from Hearts in Atlantis, if you really really read that book, and paid attention to everything in it, and that one story in Everything's Eventual where the kid comes from, it all totally makes sense. King has spent most of his writing career putting allusions to TDT in all his other books. Have you read Insomnia? If not, there's a little boy in that story who draws Roland at the Tower, and tells his momma "Him's Roland, momaa! HIm's a gunslinger!"  So yes, you don't like them. But if you haven't read all his other works/aren't a fan, you probably won't. *shrugs*

  3. Re'ara stood in the yard, waiting for all the other trainees to appear. As she waited, she thought of her travels over the last 3 years. "I've seen so much, and now here I am, training become a Warder. What a strange-- oh, here come the rest."

    One in particular stood out to her, a tall muscular boy with his black hair in a topknot. "I'll be damned." she thought. "A trainee from Shienar. Another Borderlander. Might be fun to spar with him...a bit of....friendly...Borderlander competition..."

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