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News item Comments posted by fikkie77

  1. What if it is ment to combine all 3 powers? I am fairly certin that durring onee of LTT's rambalings he said the male half was tainted b/c it touched the DO. And that it couldn't be any other way b/c something had to touch him in order to seal his prison. So what if Rand joins the circle with Callandor and it alowes him to ue both the male half and the TP at the same time? The TP touches the DO and the OP seals it all up. Just a thought.

    I think this time will be different: Rand is not going te re-seal the Bore, but is going to heal the Bore, so that the Pattern is once again what will be imprisoning the Dark One and not saidin and/or saidar.

  2. Please return to the two things tor.com said about the women:

    1. They are Aes Sedai.

    2. They were with Rand from the beginning.


    Alivia is not Aes Sedai and bot her and Mierin were not with Rand from the beginning. It narrows the list to Egwene, Nynaeve Moiraine and Elayne. I don't think many people here think one of the women is Egwene or Elayne.

  3. About the two women: the description says two things about them:

    1. They were with Rand from the beginning.

    2. They are Aes Sedai


    To my knowledge Lanfear/Cyndane is NOT Aes Sedai! She once was, but hasn't been anymore for thousands of years.

    Only Moiraine, Nynaeve and Egwene fit that description. One might argue to add Elayne to the list, but that's it. I can't imagine Egwene to be there and they certainly aren't Elayne, so they must be Moiraine and Nynaeve.

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