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Posts posted by Sabio

  1. The companion doesn't list her a black ajah.  But the companion sheds some light on a few of your questions.


    She was trusted by the crown since she was the advisor to the queen before Tamara made her the keeper. So it wasn't a strange Aes Sedai telling them this, they would of known of her ability to foretell.  I think what is comes down to is a person who can't lie approaches you and says if you don't do this disaster is going to happen, so they did it.  I still think poor Luc got screwed over in all of it.


    The foretelling doesn't lay out the entire future of what will or won't happen.  Like ELaida's it's just a brief thing so all Gitara knew is they needed to do this or it would be bad if they don't.  Not exactly why they had to do it.  



  2. If I remember right Tigraine simply said if she didn't go to the waste and be a maiden then disaster would happen.  Remember Elaida had a foretelling that the Andor royal line was key to the Last battle so as soon as it became clear Morgase was going to be queen she latched on to Morgase.  I assume it was the patterns way to ensure Elayne became queen.  All Gitara knew is those actions had to happen or else, not the why it had to.

  3. She could of not sent Luc to the blight, she could of not sent Rand's mom to the waste.  This was all done in secret.  No one knew where they went to.  If she publicly had those foretellings people would of known.  Simply not sending Rand's mom to the waste would of changed things.  



  4. The companion is the only source for it,.  They didn't know about the actual foretelling when it happened. They grew suspicious when Tamara was seen pulling Aes Sedai aside and feared it could be something about the BA, so they paniced and tortured her.  She was able to hold some stuff back because the BA  bungled matters in their haste.  So all the BA knew was he had been reborn, not when.  They also assumed she would only involve experienced senior Aes Sedai so they started killing Aes Sedai they knew were involved and senior Aes Sedai they simply suspected.  She didn't reveal Moiraine and Siuan because she actually didn't know they were still involved after being raised and because the BA assumed she would never involve such newly raised to the shawl.

  5. If you read about the male gentling program the BA got the reds to do, it was all because of that.  The problem was when they question Tamara they were left not knowing it was a newborn so that's why any male who showed the slighest possibility of being able to channel was targeted.  All they knew is he had already been born, but not when.  The BA never targeted newborns.


    Her telling people you need to go into the blight or the waste is what most would consider foretelling.  Though does seem like she needlessly sent Luc to his death. Her saying he lives at the moment the dragon was reborn and then dropping dead might not be "classic foretelling" but I think what she did just gets lumped into foretelling anyway.

  6. Well even if a DF did blow it you saw in TGH and AMOL the heroes needed the banner and dragon to do anything.  So even if they showed up for a DF they would simply of looked at him unable to do anything.


    I reread the section in AMOL they neither confirm nor deny it.  Mat says so I guess that tree did claim me and they responded it wasn't the tree, but a time you can't remember.   All they really said was they almost missed the fight and to take better care of that which is given to you or something like that.  Even the companion the section about the horn doesn't confirm or deny the no one else can blow the horn.  I did find it interesting they didn't appear where the horn was blown or even where the Dragon was at.  But where the banner was located.

  7. Not to mention the risks,  but there is nothing saying there were any planets worth colonizing.  Imagine going to Mars, first you have to try not to die and then is there anything there worth the time and effort?  I'm sure a few Aes Sedai died experimenting with visiting planets, so its possible there weren't many willing to give it a go.


    You also have to remember many of the Aes Sedai areas of expertise were in other areas.  Ishy was a philosopher, one of the forsaken was a lawyer, Semi was a healer, and Asmo a musician.  So traveling to distant planets and such they might of had little knowledge about.  

  8. There are very few reborn over and over destined for greatness or to do thing s and even fewer are linked together like LTT, Ishy and Brigette and what's his name are.  Chances are next age all the forsaken and the main people for the forces of good will be different souls.  The current main people just so happen to be the people selected for this age.  But Ishy and LTT will be the main guys next time.  The one thing is Ishy isn't always meant to be the bad guy, I believe RJ said LTT has been the dark ones guy before.  The DO may not have a lot of say in the matter, since the wheel is going to spin out LTT and Ishy to face each other.

  9. I suspect she does, in book 4 she mentioned how it was a good thing Morgase didn't know he meant to replace her.  I took that as a hint she knew Thom killed him.  It just wasn't until after the series was over it occurred to me that she is now married to a man who killed a member of her own family.  I guess becuase they have a different last name is why it never hit me that Moiraine was related to Elayne and them.

  10. I believe BS said RJ wrote the last pages and intentionally left it vague.  Since that was RJ's style to not tie up every lose end or explain everything.  Most assume it has something to do with his stepping out of reality for a time to battle the DO and more than likely he burnt himself out using all of that power.  Even for Rand it would of been impossible for him to change the powers or create a new power.  Chances are that the stepping out of reality allowed him to pick up a way to manipulate the pattern.

  11. That sounds about right, I could never remember if it was Rand or Avi vision.  But it would make sense it was Rand.


    I am still amazed Rand never made a deal with Tuon about men who could channel.  Will they still be hunted and killed. Or as with the deal with the WT, will they be given a chance to go to the BT?

  12. The question would be does balefiring something like a tree or a house have any effect?  The companion describes balefire as a weave that burns threads out of the pattern.  Since a house/tree etc.. .takes no actions and is basicly just there, is there anything to undo, does it have a thread to burn out?  My guess is balefiring something such as a building wouldn't have much effect on the past.  If it did that  would mean if I balefired a bridge back an hour, everyone in that hour would suddenly be brought back in time an hour and plunge into the ravine.  Most likely the bridge would be gone, but everyone who drove over it would remember driving over the bridge yet discover later there isn't a bridge there.  Balefire can't undo everyone's actions in that hour.


    I would say in the first example the person will die.  Since balefiring the cabin destroys the cabin but the person is still doing things, you can't undo all of the persons actions in that hour.  So I would assume the guy would remember being in that cabin warming up yet look about and see no cabin and then probably freeze to death shortly after, or notice the cabin suddenly gone and freeze to death in an hour.


    The second my guess is the guy stays dead.  I think for him to be alive you would need to balefire the earthquake so it never happened.  

  13. Barmacral explained it best.  It's not simply the pattern putting everything back to exactly how it was before.  It can't change memories, it can't restablish connections.  The pattern will tear out the thread of what Rhavin did but there are still consequences to a thread being torn out like that, such as it can't just make everything like it was before it happened.  Mat did die, balefire has him back on his feet. but since he was dead for a time the pattern can't change the after effects of that actually happening.

  14. But that's the key, Mat did die.  Balefire reversed it but as Rand saw Mat was laying there dead.  So as soon as he died the link was gone.  Since the link needs someone to blow the horn, it can't simply be put back just because balefire reversed his death.  The pattern had no way to restore Mat's link to the Horn.  The same as if you built a house and then got balefired.  Just because the house is gone now, doesn't mean you really didn't build it.  Which is why other people will still remember that there was a house there.  The pattern wove that action in and then that action got yanked out.  So Mat being alive again doesn't mean he never died, his death was reversed or undone.  The fact people remember it shows that it happened.




    For me if there is a big plot hole it's why did Moiraine tackling Lanfear through the door cut her warder bond?  Her going through the door in Tear didn't destroy the bond. So because the door was destroyed that cut the warder bond?

  15. Yes. The companion says people remember what the balefired person had done,  for instance if you built  a house and then were balefired to where the house was never built.  People would remember you building that house. they would remember helping you build the house, yet the house is gone.  The dead didn't come back to life, but people found that their memories of the time were completely false, that they remembered doing things themselves that apparently had never happened.  


    So its not like the say 10 minutes from Mat's death to Rhavin's death are completely reset.  The events still happened, trollcs killed people etc, just Rhavin's deeds were gone.  Aiel shocked because they could of sworn they saw Avi dead.  

  16. The person is back, but the link can't simply be restored.  The warder bond would still be broken, once the link is severed the pattern can't weave that link back.  You have returned but anything resulting from your death like bonds being lost are gone.  It was hinted at earlier when the Aes Sedai considered letting Mat die so his connection to the horn would be severed.  Death breaks the bond.  The big key is even though it was reversed Mat still died and was dead for the duration of the Rand/Rahvin fight.  Balefire brought him back, but he still actually died, the pattern just weaved him back in.


    Why would balefire hitting balefire kill the weavers?  The actual weaves never touched them.  

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