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Everything posted by Arie

  1. I can see that on a few points we’re on the same page through we’re saying it in different ways. Specifically about the technology. So I’m going to put that on the “Let’s get that written out first” so the discussion can continue moving forward on the other important topics. (And if anyone has the desire to write up summaries like I am doing, PLEASE don’t feel shy. I love contributions and discussions. I also am happy to ‘approve’ stamp other peoples work too. ;)) Moving into the Channeler part, this is something that’s going to be a painful topic to navigate because there is no ‘right answer’ and everyone is going to have a preference one way or the other that will be a sticking point. Truthfully. When it comes to the channelers, I can 100% see this being a point of stubbornness IN CHARACTER. This isn’t just something that’s going to be decided with both groups so imbalanced (towards Asha’men) and it being a point of PRIDE. Not to mention, IF we go with the plot that there is no Oath Rod to bind the 3 oaths, know those stubborn traditionalists will likely ‘never’ see anyone as a true Aes Sedai without those oaths. You can put all the channelers into a building. You can have them sign a peace agreement. You can even have them work together. But do you think we could get them to agree what to call themselves as a group? Not likely. XD Not realistically - in terms of seeing them as stubborn, prideful people. Not in 25 years, anyway. They would need a catalyst, and some kind of event - or even a POWERFUL visionary to force them to it. And the visionaries from the books are (for the intent of this) are either dead or would have to be a strong, active participant in the early years.
  2. I wasn’t sure if it needed to be a new topic either, but then I’d prefer the other to stay on-topic, soooo new thread!! @Matalina I think you make a really good point, although the application might be an interesting challenge for the more traditionalist player. How would you feel about a “badge/reward/etc” system? Or… No. Those aren’t the right descriptors. Milestones. Quests. Maybe? I even have extra graphics for badges for completed quests. Etc. People love shinies, or even things to mark off doing. Kind of why starting as the lower ranks was fun (before it was tedious for multiple characters). [ ] Write with a new Player/Characters [ ] Write with 5 new Players/Characters [ ] Start an open thread [ ] Start 5 open threads [ ] Join an open thread [ ] ETC Something like this, but with goals and bonuses that help with both new and old players to make it fun for everyone. With the Battleground Open for play, I can 100% easily adjust it for Roleplay too… fyi.
  3. Yes, Yes please!!! I mean… what would a Shadowspawn Discipline look like? 😄 ALL THE POSSIBILITIES!!!
  4. Moridin is Cute…. But is he, tho?
  5. The Weeping Willow, hmm? She gave the peddler a brilliant smile, far too pleased that what coin she offered paid for more than what she had hoped. More and more items were becoming commonplace and the truly unique were often located in small circles and the lucky peddler. Whether he had anything of value was still to be learned, and she did not sense anything upon his wagon, but it was always worth a few extra coppers just to stay within the inner circle of ears. “Of course, of course. Thank you Master Haman. I look forward to seeing your success here in Jehannah, Light be with you.” With a common bow. Another to the companion who seemed far too rushed to push the Peddler along, and for good reasons. That he had stopped at all was clearly a need for an extra coin, and the whisper of a more private view where ears would bring the coin for what he could have to offer. Merchants. Gazing at her prizes, Josanda gave a final look to the two and the direction the took before returning along her path to the Gentle Sheep where Aeodan was likely to be rather annoyed. Then again, when was he not? The surprise was that she returned to their shared room before he returned. Even he had a raised eyebrow at her fussing over her satchels when he opened the door. ”Nothing suitable? Or are you hiding from another merchant?” He said dryly. SHe huffed a little in his direction. “Once. It happened once, and that glass peice was far too precariously placed that it was a touch of wind to knock it over. He should have been wiser in his placement of merchandise. Especially something that could snag on a passing skirt.” She had felt bad, truly. But he had asked for a completely unreasonable price for the broken piece that it was clearly a scam. Even with small parts together it was not nearly as pretty as he implied it to be. He only gave a low hum against a frown as he leaned against the doorframe. Arms crossed and dark blue eyes piercing through her with an otherwise dark gaze. She gave a sigh. “I bought some ink. … and Journals. Not many. And! There is a special viewing over at the Weeping Willow tonight that is worth looking into.” “More journals.” The flat dry tone ever so present. “I figure if we can settle in for the night, maybe pass the rumor to a few select ears, we may have a decent viewing that he will pull out the more valuable peices.” She chattered away. “How many.” ”If there are at least 1 or two larger purses than I may be in luck. The coin is getting low and I’d rather not pull out Tar Valon crowns until we are closer to Caemlyn.” ”Josie.” ”Sedai.” She didn’t miss a beat. “What time do would you consider ‘later’? Is that around a dinner bell time, or are we talking well after sunset and all the scandalous come out to play?” ”Sedai.” The tone made her pause and actually look at him. He was very, deeply annoyed and if she gathered more from how he held himself there was none of the minute humor she was able to garner from him in weeks before. “What is it?” She asked. The youth of her personality pulled back as her more trained Aes Sedai instincts could see that he had more than just one reason to be annoyed. “And don’t make it about the journals.” ”We can’t stay. We need to leave. Tonight. Whether the rumors are about the Seanchan or the White Cloaks or something else, we can not stay. I will not risk you to what could be around the corner. Certainly not alone.” Alone. He was not a bonded Warder, simply a Guardsman. Bannerman, nearly. Or some other rank. He was no more ready to bond himself to another for life any more than Josanda felt comfortable putting the first notch of a Warder on the long line of notches for the amount of years she had ahead of her. Still, she did not miss her meaning. “I can’t.. miss this opportunity.” She said. “If there is even a chance that there are items of power here, we need to collect them regardless of the cost.” ”Not at the cost of you.” ”Yes, at the cost of me.” She said stiffly. it was not the first time that they had this argument, and while she was blessedly unaware of what that cost could be it was still a risk she had to take. “Pack up what we must and have the horses prepared. I’ll even sleep before we go. But we must attend that viewing.” Wincing a little at the subtle non-promise to sleep. That rumor needed to spread. Though, if that merchant was wise he would not settle with just one egg in that nest. ”I do not like it.” ”You don’t like anything, Aeodan. At least I allow you to say ‘I told you so’.” The hrumpgh was almost worth the guilt. At least he didn’t ask about the added weight until they were back on the road. It was the waiting game now….
  6. So, I and ChatGPT had a nice long conversation, since it can search the web for answers faster than I can. (Shocking, I know..) It is 100% in the realm to have Steam and Magic-fueled Electricity to be developed and co-existing over the course of 100-200 years. Especially with Magic and Healing being the bump in those advances. And former Age discoveries. So, everyday this COULD look like: Now, the point would likely be to scale this back a LOT to the earlier stages where factories are maybe being developed as an idea, but they aren’t there yet. I think in Merrilor, area’s like the Spire, Arches and the Vanguard are likely the most in use of the technology. Which can include: (now that I’m thinking on it..) Small pegs of metal along the walls that will conduct electricity as a defense mechanism. Learning Ceullendar (sp?) might be a useful conductor OR defense against? The Spire is what the rest of the nations “could” look like, and it harnesses the majority of the technology. With the ingenuity of Asha’man & Ogier building methods, and Aes Sedai history, planning and One Power finess. Especially the Brown Ajah and their untold amounts of study in all sorts of subjects. The Arches were built in a similar way for both learning for students but also for those that study and develop this as a group to have a safer space to work on their projects. Most of the Academy that worked with Maegan are likely on the -very- old if not dead stages in life so the passing of this information is extremely important to them. We are talking about over 2000+ potential channelers by the time we hit 25 years. Housing and city structure likely can not handle the work to make a whole city work with this kind of technology, but small things likely are starting to pop up like small ‘generators’ or the trades of various materials. Etc. It’s also “possible” that part of the fall of White Tower (see other thread) was the failure of the technology being imported into the Tower because there were too many secret invariables that messed with it. (Aka, the Three Arches which likely can not be moved). I would say the city as a whole, along with most outliers are no different than what we are familiar with. If anything, it’s likely still a novelty to everyone. Candles, Gas lamps, etc. all still there. Anyway… that was me just sharing small starts.
  7. WELCOME TO THE ROLEPLAY This Character is Approved! @Cass You are welcome to start your own Development thread, Wanted Ad/Request, and Write to your heart's content!
  8. FAVOR & THE SHADOW Favor within the Shadow is a lucid and ever-changing aspect. Unlike the Light, the Dark One sees everything and is impeccably patient despite it's low-tolerance for failure. From Exalted, Favorable to Unfavorably and Hunted, your rank is 100% dependent on your reputation. And at times it is far better to have no reputation than a bad one. All new characters start as Favorable unless their Biography states otherwise. When you gain or lose ranking it is indicated in (-), (?), or (?). Full scale of possible of ranks are: Exalted, Influential, Trusted, Favorable. Unfavorable, Shamed, Betrayer, Hunted. Those listed as Hunted will be actively hunted in-game. Character Death is still 100% consensual, and no rank is permanent. CURRENT RANKINGS: Kalen - Favorable (-) PM RP Staff to be added to this list.
  9. MERRILOR UPDATE from servants to channelers The White and Black Tower no longer remains as it once was. Because of this the "WHITE TOWER" character group does not exist in the same way in our current timeline. Please see "We have a City!" thread for further development!
  10. D4 Season of Blood was a lot of fun. Ran around and nearly capped two characters to 100 instead of none. XD Trying the Barb for the first time. Will see how it goes...
  11. Okay..... summaries out of the way... LINK TO A VISUAL AFTERMATH (After Dragon Peace (ADR)) Borderlands Divided: Malkier's Triumph and Kandor's Fall Borders around Seanchan-Controlled nations are locked down. Post-TG diaspora from people fleeing Seanchan lands, fleeing the lands devastated by the Shadow just before TG, any backlash post-TG, there are options here. New settlements/self-proclaimed leaders, they'd either have to be strong enough to be independent or rely on support of others, either nations or organizations like WT or BT, to operate safely. (?) The Ways are cleansed and Ogier begins reconstructing the network. They are still very unsafe as many Shadowspawns still use them for travel. Many displaced fighters from the war assist in this effort. Remnants of Age's Past are uncovered, along with Aridol, as the Dark One's guise is no longer hiding them from the world. The threat of the Blight has deeply retreated, allowing for the regrowth of numerous flora and fauna that were once myth or completely unknown to the world return. ~ADR 1 Founding of Merrilor Baby Boom in most nations ~ADR 4 Fall of the White Tower (Only Tar Valon remains) ~ADR # Sighting of the first Nym seen along the Blight's borderlands. ~ADR 10 Renewal of The Aiel Waste - Aiel Leave the Westlands Children/Seanchan Civil War ~ADR 12+ LARGE spike in channelers in all nations from the Baby Boom. Merrilor, having prepared some of this, open's the Unity Arches for learning. etc....
  12. Noting, I haven't been ignoring this. I'm just a little stretched atm so I'll re-poke at this soon?? I like where both suggestions go, though I think for -some- consistency purposes having a WS number is important to players here. So that is a primary part that I want to keep.
  13. I split up the topic because I love how this was going and now we can shift our focus to it's development. But in terms of the world itself there are a few events that we should knock out so more information is available when building background and overarching world lore. 25 years is solid, but that's a lot of potential problems to fill in. XD Things I have collected from everyone's comments that could/would happen are as follows. PLEASE correct me if I represent it wrong, or if I missed something. If you have an idea of something to add, PLEASE speak up. No idea is a bad idea... so much as whether it's useable or not. XD WAYFARER - Surviving nations and their status - Seanchan remnant - What is left of the surviving Shadow followers (possibly without a Shaitan) - WT/BT relations - Exploring a new world (new factions/nations rise) - Exploring the transformed nations (finding remnants of the old nations, trying to find families, survivours, new creatures, etc) - BT/WT cold war conflict could take a few forms, but being recognised as a supreme authority by the remaining nations as well as new ones could be a major factor. Gives people points to have conflict/compete on while developing different nations. They'd have their own problems post-TG. - Normally nations have baby booms post-war. I mention this because there are notes that birth rates were dropping over the centuries before TG, with theories that this was due to the Dark One's influence and one of the reasons that so much land was effectively unclaimed and unsettled by the existing nations. - Post-TG diaspora from people fleeing Seanchan lands, fleeing the lands devastated by the Shadow just before TG, any backlash post-TG, there are options here. New settlements/self-proclaimed leaders, they'd either have to be strong enough to be independent or rely on support of others, either nations or organisations like WT or BT, to operate safely. - Separate channeler groups are a possibility. Not only do you have WT/BT, any splinter groups (like the Trad Reds mentioned), hardliner BT'ers that refuse to work with female channelers due to a history of being hunted, Sea Folk, who are reclaiming the seas, Kinswomen that refuse to affiliate with WT, any group founded by someone who deserted and found new acolytes, sul'dam/damane that escaped the main Seanchan forces (maybe set themselves up as rulers, confirming Seanchan fears of women channelers from their history but motivated by their realisation that the only difference between them is the end of the leash and united by a fear of all being leashed). A longer story arc could be looking at the idea of a unification of all channelers, if not in organisation at least in federation and binding themselves to certain rules to maintain a peace. -It also may be worth thoroughly decimating the Aiel. Not wipe out, but remove them as a major power. It is unlikely to get many players there. Issues surrounding them could be taking huge losses during TG and accompanying disruption in society that comes from losing generations that would normally guarantee stability and also hand down their expertise. Loss of people to the Tuatha'an with the revelation of shared origins Loss of people from their culture after extensive interactions with the Westlands after centuries of minimal contact. Particularly the knowledge that there are green lands unoccupied to settle. War with the Sharans after TG - Ogier: Post-TG, did they use the Book of Translation? In which case, did they all leave? Is there a way to follow them? Was there a purpose to their departure beyond ensuring the Fourth Age could begin? - Children of the Light: Would they have reclaimed a more respectable image after TG for having fought the Shadow? What is their purpose and identity after TG? - The Ways: Saidin has been cleansed, Mashadar has been obliterated, Padan Fain who carried the last vestige of Mashadar within him is gone. What are the chances that Machin Shin is also gone? In which case could the waygates be reclaimed? What other secrets could be discovered within them? Lost locations, maybe even sites within the ways themselves. - The Blight: Is it healed and new turning into verdant land? Could it have been warped again by the sheer scale of power used during TG? Weaknesses in reality, new fauna and flora coming forth (like the Seanchan exotic creatures, etc), new challenges that come with that. Not just for reclamation of Malkier, but also something as simple as an invasive species of plant moving south and threatening crops/livelihoods/lives. - Surviving darkfriends: What are they doing? Any attempts to reunify a remnant? Trying to bring back the Dark One? Ambitious and trying to grab power as they can despite the lack of Dark One? People who may have given their oaths out of fear or otherwise compelled now trying to blend back into society? Are all the Shadowspawn gone with the Dark One cut off? ARIE (Multiple AI Generated Plots...) Introducing Electricity via Cairhien Academy (Old Character Plotline/Story) We know the White Tower was dusted a fair bit in the Seanchan attack. What if there is no longer an Oathrod? No more binding, but no more unbinding. The Two Towers: A Cold War Unveiled With the White Tower undergoing extensive repairs, the seat of Aes Sedai power has temporarily shifted to the Black Tower. The uneasy alliance formed during the Last Battle has devolved into a Cold War, where distrust simmers beneath the surface. The Asha'man, once united, now find themselves entangled in a web of intrigue, political maneuvering, and a struggle for supremacy. Borderlands Divided: Malkier's Triumph and Kandor's Fall Malkier, once a symbol of resilience and defiance, has risen from the ashes. The Borderlands celebrate the reclamation of Malkier, but their joy is tempered by the Blight's encroachment into Kandor. The division of the Borderlands threatens the very essence of their united front against the Shadow. MATALINA Set up would require setting up two 'camps/towns/cities' one in Malkier that is newly built and still under construction I'd imagine. And one in Kandor that is threatened by the Blight and has an active military/fight against it. Darkfriends can have an undermining presence in either causing descent with the masses or allowing Trollocs through the gate and what not. Aes Sedai are there doing what they do best. Black Tower too, which would pull in some of the Towers at war, so you could have that going on here. Each tower having a faction on either side or maybe taking sides fueling the cold war between the two and dividing the borderlands further. CADDY SO in all honesty I think we are all here because we love the stories and characters and nations in the world. I think going too far in either direction - post TG - pre EOTW, whilst opening up a bunch of windows - slams shut the era that we all know and kinda centered our online identities around. CASS A central base for ALL 'gifted' allies. What if, following (book Age) Tarmon Gaidon, a new 'city of the Light' develops, housing a new type of 'Tower' that is a central base for ALL allies who wanted to stay/had nowhere else to go - including channelers from WT, BT AND other allied groups - Aiel, Seafolk, ex Damane and Sul'dam; Wolfkin; BotRH? Dark One/'Madness' Conflicts The Wheel is still turning, and eventually there will be another TG, right? ... who is going to 'drill the next hole'? Create the next 'breaking'? What if, this time around the Wheel, it is not a 'Time of Madness' from the Dark One's Taint on Saidin which develops, but something similar that comes from the True Power itself? I read a theory, somewhere, that Egwene's Light of TV weave might have created another weak spot in the pattern. Perhaps, at the point where we pick up, the Dark One is beginning to sense/manipulate this area as he did the previous bore... Could be interesting if that's in the same general area as the 'central base'... Other So many options for plot points and conflicts, as others have highlighted! I'm all for nations rebuilding/conflicts and Shadowspawn still being a problem even though the Blight is gone. I think allowing Legacy characters can be a draw and important to old-time players, so fitting them in however we can is great. As criteria b) above is attained, then I like Quib's idea that the rest is more of an individual historical/random wild 'Cap' type story issue, rather than something that the RP as a whole needs to include/manage.
  14. (heh, not the app..) @HeavyHalfMoonBlade You make an excellent point. And I think with an idea like that it's worth seeing the source of where it started, why it's being used, and 100% what its limitations are. I was thinking possibilities, and I am guessing you see it removing too much of what we like about the fantasy setting which makes sense to me to avoid.
  15. I separated it out so we can continue the other topics in the other thread. 😄 I adjusted the Seven Quarters, Aeon Chambers, and added the Ebon Vanguard. Names are not set in stone but if we're happy with them then it's worth just going with it. I think it's worth keeping Electricity, BUT maybe limiting it to earlier use and development. I would say at least the Spire has lights... It's probably a personal point for me more than a leader desire and I recognize that. (My Red's -verry- insistent in my head about it....)
  16. 1. Are they female? No 2. Are they a human? No 3. Are they Ogier? No 4. Can they channel? No 5. are they a dark friend? No. 😄 6. Are they Shadowspawn? Yes! 7. Are they a Trolloc? No 8. Are they a gholem? No 9. Are they a draghkar? No
  17. The Spire/Hall is a place within the city, like White Tower is with Tar Valon. Military... yes. Agreed. I may have missed in my list. XD And a place for traveling gates, so i'll go back and edit it.
  18. 1. Are they female? No 2. Are they a human? No 3. Are they Ogier? No 4. Can they channel? No 5. are they a dark friend? No. 😄 6. Are they Shadowspawn? Yes! 7. Are they a Trolloc? No 8. Are they a gholem? No
  19. The general collective of what I've gathered! @Wayfarer @Cass @Matalina @Quibby @HeavyHalfMoonBlade @CaddySedai @Elessar @Dar'Jen Ab Owain @Elgee @Taymist @Wayward_fool CITY OF MERRILOR Numbers End of Final Battle Asha'man - 400 Aes Sedai - 100 (Oathbound - ~70) Accepted/Dedicated - 400 Novice/Soldier - 1000+ Trained Guardsman - 70K+ Denizens - 140K+ Current Numbers Asha'man - 550 Aes Sedai - 235 (Oathbound - 64) Accepted/Dedicated - 600 Novice/Soldier - 1500+ Trained Guardsman - 80K+ Denizens - 240K+ Locations of Interest: Luminara Spire // New "Hall of Servants" Council Representatives: 13 Members, 1 Elected Leader 20 Years Leadership Cycle (for now) Location: Eastern part of Merrilor, against mountains that overlook the Fields of Merrilor The governing body overseeing the city. It is composed of representatives elected by the various allied groups. Local government for city management and law enforcement. Regulatory bodies to oversee the responsible use of the One Power and technology. Taxation and revenue systems to fund city development. Notable Features: Centralized base for representatives from White Tower, Black Tower, Aiel Clans, Seafolk, Wolfkin, willing and capable Seanchan, and members of the Band of the Red Hand. Aeon Chambers // Power Generation and Infrastructure // Industrial Area Knots of fire and steam chambers for electricity generation. Transmission lines and grids to distribute power across the city. Self-sufficient Unity Arches // Education and Research Institutions Channeler-led schools for training individuals in the understanding and responsible use of the One Power. Scientific research institutions for advancing technology and harnessing the Power. Designated Gardens with paths and platforms for Travel Gateways. - Gardens of Valon Seven Quarters Residential areas for the city's population. - Liradon Heights Merchants facilitate trade of raw materials, finished products, and technological advancements with neighboring regions. - Valheran Commons Guilds specializing in the production and distribution of electrical goods. - Egeanis Square A garden space in the city surrounded by symbolic monuments representing each relevant faction - Serenity Park Ebon Barracks - The Ebon Vanguard Military Center of Merrilor. Potential Council Leader Titles: Ma'Rahein (watching the Dawn) M'ashan (The Blade) The Nemainda (Luminara) ("Nemainda" could represent "luminara," evoking the idea of light, brightness, or illumination.) Potential Military Titles: Warder-General: A high-ranking Warder responsible for coordinating Aes Sedai and Warders. Blademaster of the Flame: Highest rank for non-channelers, recognizing exceptional skill and leadership. Weave Master: Highest rank for channelers, acknowledging mastery of the One Power. Ajahs: They have reverted to 'ajah's of legend, where groups are made more on common goals than tradition. Ajahs of old still maintain many secrets shared with those who wish to join, however, those of the White, Green, and Blue are deeply diminished. Yellow has been the largest surviving Ajah but has chosen to share more of their knowledge than to keep it secret. Only a few oathsworn surviving Aes Sedai maintain the secrets of their Ajah's despite the lack of formal acknowledgment. ________________ Thoughts?
  20. I may hate AI art.... But AI generated randomness has potential!! I find these directions fascinating... and am curious what others think. What they like and what they are less likely to lean towards...
  21. Eora is always up there for me too. Aeon feels more sci-fi to me? But maybe it's vecause of Aeon Flux. XD
  22. True Tower. Hall of Servants, Hall of Light. (Move away from Tower for both?)
  23. She was charmed, as any patron of a merchant should be, and she gave him a smile. The curious part was the companion who perhaps wasn’t as subtle as he thought. Or Josanda was far too aware of sighs and eye rolling because they more often tended to be directed at herself. Enjoying the quick chatter, Josanda proved to be a sharp bargainer with the merchant, purchasing two handwoven journals, a bushel of quills and a unique jar of ink. It was the ink she was quite curious about and how it would react to some of her different journals. Aeodan was not going to be pleased to the added weight but then she was getting close to needing to mail courier back a few things anyway and this just made the excuse easier to lighten her pocket of the various copper and silvers she had collected and exchanged during the journey. They were not going to be as useful as the journals when they start to travel north and wares were few and far between. “Delightful!” She explained. “Thank you, Master Haran. I don’t suppose there are any unique items that you have come across in your travels. Things for the collector of old treasures, perhaps?”
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