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Posts posted by Barmacral

  1. Grumbling as he gets back from the kitchen with a freshly refilled pitcher of water in one hand, and a large glass in the other, he had already drank one pitcher while in the kitchen, he sits down at a table on the side of the room, and puts his drink down. Noticing the one named Daetirion trying to be seen without being too obvious, yet being somewhat obvious in doing so, he sees a card in the man's hand with his name on it. Frowning, Burgandy sucks back his glass of water and pours himself a new glass, not really sure what to do, and still not thinking clearly. Then he notices a glint of gold, head spinning to where it came from, he sees the all too familiar ageless face of an Aes Sedai.


    Suddenly grinning, Burgandy sucks back his latest glass of water and walks over to Daetirion. He swipes the piece of paper from him, walks over to the table and writes a name on the back of the sheet. He knew this particular Aes Sedai. And he didn't like her, not one bit. Walking over to her he hands her the piece of paper, grins, and walks back to his water. Frowning at him, she looks at it, and immediately glares at him, seeing her name. Flipping it over she sees his name on it, and pales.


    Burgandy turns back to his water and frowns, he was going to have to go back to the kitchen again, this pitcher was almost empty already.


    Vote: Myst Cari'Yena

  2. Muttering under his breath, Burgandy climbed out of bed and squinted at the mirror. He looked a mess and smelled worse, and the light was just way too bright. No, Burgandy mused, drinking so much as he did the previous night was not a good idea, and something that he should not try again, although he knew he would.


    At the sound of a scream his eyes widen, and he clutches his head in sudden agony and drops to the ground whimpering. Hangover's, he thought, suck. After laying on the ground suffering for a while, he drags himself up to his washstand and washed his face, then tried to finger comb his hair. Giving up on that he starts making his way down to the hall, hoping to find some water there. Passing by the ballroom Burgandy bar Burgundy di Tigana looks in to see a crowd of people gathering there, curiosity getting the better of him he creeps in to see whats going on. The lady at the far end of the room, he can't remember her name, starts to speak...

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