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Posts posted by Pink

  1. On 12/5/2021 at 3:51 AM, James1111 said:



    What people dont understand is modern religion has merged the Angel Lucifer with the Angel known as Satan and perverted his real story.... according to the Freemason and other belief systems that occult scholars have access too and the general public does not and seeing how Mr. Jordan was a practicing Freemason this goes completely with Lucifer/The Dragon being the overall good guy in his story.  


    Knowing now that Jordan was a real, practicing Mason, I completely believe this is exactly his intention in writing this story and probably why he used a Pen name when secretly writing a lot of secret freemason beliefs that he tied into his so-called fantasy story. Many other occult/esoteric writers have hidden secrets deep in their writings as well. I now consider Rober Jordan and esotec genius along the lines of Sir Frances Bacon, Alber Pike and a few others. 


    Just something for you guys to think on, research and ponder for yourselves.  Thanks for your comment on my post and hope you have a great night. I honestly can't believe I've had all these books sitting in front of me on my shelf for years and didnt read them all till now. I've researched this alot and I figured out what his story was really about only reading the first 4 books. Can't wait to finish it now. 


    Perrin would Probaly be Thor. Haven't really though who hes using Mat to represent. Rands sword would be Excalibur, lucifers ancient sword that was once wielded by Sir Arthur Pendragon. This man was a brilliant story teller to weave all this together the way he has. I really should take this theory to the Masons down the street.... they will freak over this. 

    If Perrin is Thor, then Mat is definitely Loki

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