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Posts posted by Torgolpuff

  1. DojoToad, Ok, I did ask for a challenge (note to self; always be careful what you ask for) 

    Keeping in theme I think you will need a Rand Al Thor, a Halwin Norry and possibly a Sebban Balwar to help with that one. 

    My wife and I run a small business here in NZ and are facing similar challenges, although sounds like on a smaller scale. Where we are people are looking for more Artisan / home grown locally made etc. 

    For you I imagine you've already looked at costs and checked out alt suppliers etc. I worked for a large company back in my corporate days that would come and do a green assessment of how you are running your business to save power cost etc., it got down to switching off computers at night and changing to LED bulbs. I don't know where you are the company was General Electric. Not sure if they still offer that service.

    Any way I wish you the best of luck resolving your challenges.

  2. I believe that the characters in the book were so well developed that there are a plentiful supply of relevant subplots and mini story arcs that can be helpful for anyone looking for ways to deal with different stages of their own life. 

    It's a bold claim, but go ahead and challenge me with one of your life challenges and for fun I will try to use an example from the book (not the tv series) to provide an analogy. 

  3. I think the casting was ok. I didn't like it when they changed the story line at all. IDK why poor Perrin had a wife let alone had to kill her by accident. Having that burden would massively change the development arc of a person and therefore the Leader he ultimately becomes in the book. Moiraine having a intimate relationship with the Amrylin? I mean really? did we actually need that? 

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