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Liberty Dog

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Posts posted by Liberty Dog

  1. 1 minute ago, Deadsy said:

    you're going to find any moment where a female does anything good or useful at all to be a girl power moment. Unless of course it was RJ who made the woman good or useful. Then it's ok. 

    Thank goodness I have you here to explain my inner thoughts, feelings and motivations for me!

  2. 1 minute ago, Deadsy said:

    Thinking a woman being a blacksmith is some sort of out of the ordinary girl power moment is asinine. I suggest you do some real world research.

    In and of itself, it is not, but it was clearly inserted in the show as such.

  3. 3 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

    there was a big reason for him to lose the fight in that manner: rafe wants to keep the identity of the dragon a mystery,

    This whole thing has been poorly handled and not even successful.  I have seen very few examples online or in my personal conversations where non readers have not figured out it who it is by the second episode.

  4. 1 minute ago, Elder_Haman said:

    There's no pattern. Only scenes that you are seizing on as evidence to support your pre-conceived ideas.

    The OP pointed out a clear pattern.  I see it.  He sees it.  Others see it.  You don't.  I am simply stating my opinion, not trying to get you to change yours.  You do you and I'll do me.

  5. 1 minute ago, Elder_Haman said:

    Tam fights off and nearly kills a trolloc after being surprised and overwhelmed. The idea that being more skilled means that you should automatically win in every situation is silly. 


    These are not good examples for making your point.

    He killed at least 3 in the book.  Their was zero reason for him to lose the fight in that manner.  He could have won the fight and still been injured. The pattern of changes is plainly there to see, whether you agree or not.

  6. On 11/20/2021 at 3:19 PM, The Purple Ajah said:

    Tam the farmer and blademaster.

    This is a poor example for you because he was another example of a character being lessoned.  Nynaeve kills a trolloc with a knife, but a blademaster gets his ass handed to him while he has his sword? 


    Another example of a pointless girl power moment being injected was making Perrin's fake wife a blacksmith.  This was an obvious "look how badass women are" insertion.


    Come on.  At this point, you seem to just be trying to be willfully blind.


    Rafe may bring it back around, but at this point, it is not looking good.  The crazy thing is it is completely unnecessary.  There are countless examples of women being badass in the books without trying to inject more.

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