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News item Comments posted by AenAllAin

  1. On 11/24/2021 at 1:15 AM, Tugbraid said:

    I quite enjoyed the first 3 episodes! yes the TV version is never going to be as amazing as the books after all my imagination is anyway far richer than any budget Amazon could cough up right? 

    That being said the diversity of the cast fills me with peace! ( being a woman of colour myself!) 


    I don't think diversity is the issue anyone has with this (or at least not most people). They made Matt a petty thief, his dad a lechter, and his mom an alcoholic. Egwene and Rand are already getting it on as a backstory. I've never seen a version of the Aes Sedai ring quite that "discrete"; I mean, they would need a mirror of mists weave for that thing to ever go unnoticed! And when Lan gets into the bath with Moraine (which didn't actually happen till they reached the borderlands where it was the custom), how did she warm up the water? To me it looks like she just farted into the tub. Oh! And the first scene with the Red Ajah, why was that guy squealing? Was it because they were going to give him a bath? (lol) ...or was something more sinister supposed to be going on? Who knows...

  2. 23 minutes ago, kedryn alan said:

    I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that coming to a website dedicated to people who read and loved the books would reveal comments of hatred toward the show. I think these people are doing themselves a disservice and need to take a step back. You have the books. You have that story. If that's all you want, then re-read the books.  The TV series is, as they all are (and absolutely need to be), different from the books. We don't need, and can't have, a literal retelling of the books. There's far too much inner monologue, brooding, introspection, etc. That doesn't play well on the screen. And they also can't capture every single moment of an 11,000 page book series in the amount of seasons they have to work with. Actors rarely sign up for one line of work for a decade. Same with directors and producers. 


    The TV show has so far been a credible representation of the books. I've enjoyed it and look forward to more. Did I love every decision? No. But I'm also willing to see it all play out to see where they go with it. 


    Perrin being married? I kinda hated it. But I get it. Through those events at the beginning of this TV series we as an audience will now understand why Perrin will eventually have that disdain for the axe and prefer the hammer. We understand why he is brooding and introspective. He is different that Rand will turn out to be on that level as they both tend to spend a lot of time in their own heads. On the page, we understood their thoughts and loved that journey. On the screen that can't work and they each need visible rationale for some of events and characterizations that develop later and over the course of the show. 


    Enjoy the series for what it is. Don't look for a literal translation of the book. And for the love of all that is good and holy, stop ever comparing it to Game of Thrones. 

    This is overly harsh towards the real fans. If you don't think the story from the books is what this series is about, then why did they use the series title, book names, character names, etc. ...if you and them wanted your own story why not go make one instead of plagiarizing Jordan?

  3. 31 minutes ago, kedryn alan said:

    This seems unnecessarily harsh. Maybe put down the keyboard for a while and take a walk. Go find something happy in life. 

    No. It really, really does not go far enough. The series is terrible, and apart from using names, terminology, and bastardized lore, it isn't really the same story.

  4. It's kind of like Lanfear created a nightmare world and trapped us all in it. This series has definitely been created by Darkfriends.


    Did any of you people running this fan site have anything to do with this? Did you encourage them or give them any sort of bad guidance? I mean if you did, all of your "fan" credibility is totally shot.

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