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kedryn alan

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Posts posted by kedryn alan

  1. I started reading the WoT series in 1995. I read the first four or five books that summer and re-read them several times as each new book came out. With the show coming out I decided to delve back in and re-read the first book. But when I saw that they had Rosemund Pike reading the audio book I decided to give that a try. I tend to listen to books to and from work. 

    She. Is. Amazing! She brought the book to life. She acted out the book. She became the characters. It was amazing. 

    I decided to move on to New Spring (never actually got around to reading it) with Michael Kramer and Kate Reading as the narrators. After finishing the first chapter, I must say I am as disappointed in Mr. Kramer’s effort and output as I was impressed by Ms. Pike’s. He comes across dull and stale. Some pretentious version of “Listen to me read this book for my voice is a gift upon you.”  He speaks/reads in a manner in which I don’t think anyone actually does, placing emphasis in strange spots, awkward vocal inflections at the end of sentences that make it seem like it’s more about him than the book. 

    I really hope Ms. Pike does all of the books at some point. Or that they’re re-recorded by someone with a similar ability and approach. I don’t know that I could make it through all 14 books with Mr. Kramer performing. 

  2. I couldn’t possibly be more impressed with the job Rosamund Pike has done with the audiobook. Personally I find zero enjoyment in the Michael Kramer performances on his version. He comes across as a guy just trying to use a booming voice to sound important. He misses the mark for me. But Ms. Pike…wow. Every character has a voice. She performs the book. It’s amazing. I truly hope they have her record the rest of the series. 

  3. I wonder what WoT would have been if Tor had kept RJ to six books. I wonder if the quality of the story would have been higher overall, with less additives weighing down the story. Would we have avoided book 10 (?) which covered a week of time from 4 difference characters PoV? I feel like the first 6 books were amazing and then began a decided drop in the quality of the books. I enjoyed the books as a whole, but I LOVED the first 6 books. The Battle of Dumai’s Wells is probably my favorite scene of any book. I wish the whole series could have kept the pacing of the first 3 books and the quality of the first 6. 

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