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Posts posted by mogi68

  1. Scenes from the trailer we haven't seen yet as of E6:


    • 0:16 Rand standing in that open space in T'A'R (is it in the waste?) where he was chained to the wheel and met Lanfear. But this time he is in his fancy black coat
    • 1:04 The ruby hilted dagger sitting on a table, the camera pans up to Mat and he is clearly struggling/fighting
    • 1:22 whitecloaks galloping on horseback through sand/dust/fog
    • 1:27 Moiraine kissing Siuan
    • 1:49 Perrin striking a grey haired whitecloak with a weapon (how many grey haired whitecloaks have we seen? Only one that I can think of 😳 )
    • 1:52 Rand cloaked and in fancy black coat with sword on back approaching Turak/Seanchan in Falme
    • 2:00 Mat striking downwards with a spear/polearm (ashandarei?)
    • 2:01 Massive explosion blowing up the gate at a castle
  2. Lan taught all of the boys the Oneness in TEOTW. Not sure about Mat, but Perrin later says he couldn't do it



    His hands opened and closed uncertainly on the thick haft. It was a weapon, but neither his hidden practice behind the forge nor Lan's teachings had really prepared him to use it as one. Even the battle before Shadar Logoth was too vague in his mind to give him any confidence. He could never quite manage that void that Rand and the Warder talked about, either.


  3. Quote

    Here is me not remembering well, I thought he was being completely outclassed by Turak because he refused to enter the void, but when he did he put up a much better fight, "forcing Turak to frown in concentration". I wonder if I made that quote up



    No, you remembered correctly!


    There was disappointment on the High Lord's face. He stepped back with a gesture of disgust. "Where did you find that blade, boy? Or do they here truly award the heron to those no more skilled than you? No matter. Make your peace. It is time to die." He came on again.

    The void enveloped Rand. Saidin flowed toward him, glowing with the promise of the One Power, but he ignored it. It was no more difficult than ignoring a barbed thorn twisting in his flesh. He refused to be filled with the Power, refused to be one with the male half of the True Source. He was one with the sword in his hands, one with the floor beneath his feet, one with the walls. One with Turak.

    He recognized the forms the High Lord used; they were a little different from what he had been taught, but not enough. The Swallow Takes Flight met Parting the Silk. Moon on the Water met The Wood Grouse Dances. Ribbon in the Air met Stones Falling From the Cliff. They moved about the room as in a dance, and their music was steel against steel.

    Disappointment and disgust faded from Turak's dark eyes, replaced by surprise, then concentration. Sweat appeared on the High Lord's face as he pressed Rand harder. Lightning of Three Prongs met Leaf on the Breeze.



    I think that they will have Rand "cheat" with the power, either intentionally or unintentionally. It's the only way that he could conceivably defeat Turak at this point in the series. Even if Lan appears in Cairhien in E6 and trained him with the sword and they traveled on foot to Toman Head, I think it would a hard sell.


    I wonder how the scene will be set up (if they do indeed have a duel). From the S2 trailer it looks like Rand just saunters up to the keep unimpeded



  4. 6 hours ago, Jaysen Gore said:

     Especially if Min and Mat meet Aludra in a stable on the road to Cairihien, and that Falme fortress stands in for the Stone of Tear.



    This puzzles me the most about the end of the season, because there was a mention of the Stone of Tear in season

    1.  Surely Callandor is not in Falme, right? Will they move the capture of Tear to another point of the story? Or will it take place in S3? So many questions

  5. 12 hours ago, DaddyFinn said:

    Did she get a nerf after that or did she just not have access to some special arrows?


    7 hours ago, Scarloc99 said:

    Think it was some special Horn linked arrows that she didn't have when she was in the real world, 


    IMO it's probably more a function of TAR overlapping with the waking world than a kind of special ammunition. There is also the matter of her horse running on water

  6. They should totally do this bit:



    As the tall ship crept toward the harbor mouth, a figure on horseback suddenly appeared around the cliffs skirting the harbor. Riding across the water. Min's mouth fell open. Silver glittered as the figure raised a bow; a streak of silver lanced to the boxy ship, a gleaming line connecting bow and ship. With a roar she could hear even at that distance, fire engulfed the foretower anew, and sailors rushed about the deck.


  7. On 9/1/2023 at 6:06 AM, TamSwordsman said:

    I'm halfway through S2Ep3...and I'm disgusted...


    This Rafe bloke is destroying books I deeply love.


    There is simply no purpose to so many of his/the producers changes.


    This is truly "inspired by" or "based on"...in the most loosely applicable sense.


    They are literally taking themes from the books and creating their own story...a story that doesn't even remotely follow details and plot lines accurately.


    I get that at times Jordan was verbose and that there must be some changes in any adaptation...but the things that are true to the books are occasional homage and by far in the minority. 


    What do others think???


    This isn't the books. This is an alternate universe/different third age/mirror world/etc

    Treat it as a separate thing and move on.

  8. 18 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

    the episodes of season 1 are included in the list.

    in fact, that's too few names - only 14, which would imply 6 episodes for season 2.

    mind you, if they are 6 episodes 90 minutes long, we're still gaining. If, instead, those meddling executives decided to cut by 25% the already inadequate screen time, the quality of the show can only take a turn downward


    I've heard rumors that Amazon is transitioning to 6 episode seasons for many of its shows

  9. I was hoping for more focus on Rand and his sword. A training scene would have been nice along with an explanation from Lan of what the Heron Mark represents. It would have taken very little screen time imo.


    I'm hoping that Rand and Lan link back up at some point. Maybe in a couple seasons we can get something like this 😛



  10. It's fun to think about, and I don't see why not. Arda is supposedly Earth after all.  What about Lews Therin? Where does he fit in?



    There is this quote when Eärendil arrives in Valinor.


    Hail Eärendil, of mariners most renowned, the looked for that cometh at unawares, the longed for that cometh beyond hope! Hail Eärendil, bearer of light before the Sun and Moon! Splendour of the Children of Earth, star in the darkness, jewel in the sunset, radiant in the morning!


    Who else is known as the bearer of light and the morning star? Lucifer. Some groups also call him "Son of the Morning". I say that Lews Therin = Eärendil

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