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Posts posted by mogi68

  1. For me the primary issues are

    1. Egwene chapters

    2. Elayne chapters

    3. Perrin/Faile chapters


    What I do may be anathema to megafans but on rereads I skip those chapters in 8-9-10, because little is happening plot wise that I care about. Im not interested in Egwene's struggles with Siuan/Romanda/Lelaine/Gareth. I don't want to hear Perrin's bellyaching again, and I don't care about the succession. With those storylines out of the way the latter RJ books move along just fine. 

  2. Spoiler

    I suspect that there's not that much "complete" Jordan text in the last 3 books. Brandon discussed in the WoT retrospective on his blog. He notably mentioned that the majority of the TGS prologue was Jordan, as well as the ToM Ghenjei scenes, and the AMoL epilogue.


    I enjoy the Sanderson books, and I think he did a good job, but I find it difficult to transition to them on rereads. After reading eleven RJ books in a row the change in voice is jarring. And I can't help but compare the two authors with each other as I listen/read, because I have a pedantic personality 🙂


  3. WARNING: SPOILERS for the whole series


    Rumors on the street are that Matrim Cauthon is going to be involved in the Tanchico storyline in Season 3. Some people have suggested that they are going to combine the Tanchico storyline with the Ebou Dar storyline from the books. This makes little sense to me unless they truncate the plotlines for all of the other major characters as well.  This is driven (IMO) by the possibility that the show will not be renewed for a full 8 seasons, which has not yet been greenlit. If Rafe is told to wrap it up by season 4 or 5, then they will need to move quickly, and combining Ebou Dar with Tanchico will make it easier to do so.  I really don't think we are going to get Mat in the land of the Finns.


    What will happen in Season 3? I think that these things are reasonable to assume:

    1.  Nynaeve, Elayne, and Mat in Tanchico. Find ter'angreal stash with the bowl of the winds (domination band maybe?). Nynaeve overcomes her block, gains a nemesis in Moghedien

    2. Rand is in the waste. He does the Rhuidean thing, gets the majority of the Aiel on his side, defeats one of the male forsaken.

    3. Siuan is deposed. 

    4. Perrin returns to the Two Rivers and defends it from Shadowspawn and Whitecloaks. He meets Faile, who intended on hunting for the horn in Manetheren.


    What happens next in a potential Season 4? Cairhien is not at civil war in the show and has a stable government (as of the end of S2). Caemlyn has not yet made an appearance, but apparently Morgase has been cast for S3 so we should see it at some point. Sammael has apparently been cast. Is he Lord Brend in this universe? Or does he take the role of Rahvin? I think that Rand will take the Aiel over the Dragonwall early in season 4 and either take the Stone of Tear or conquer Cairhien. 


    Will Egwene be in the waste? She really doesn't "do" a lot in the Shadow Rising besides tag along. We know that she is Rafe's favorite character, and her storyline is often prioritized by the writers. Could it be possible that she will be involved in the tower storyline in Season 3?



    What is going on with the Dark One? Is he bound by seals as in the books? The ones keeping the Forsaken imprisoned were all destroyed by Ishamael at the end of season 2.

  4. Production value on WoT s2 was pretty good. The acting is good. The primary issue is the writing and directing.


    They have directors with little experience filming action scenes and it shows. Disappearing archers, fighters who appear out of nowhere, etc. Ciaran Donnelly is doing more episodes in S3 so hopefully the fighting scenes are a little more refined 

  5. On 12/11/2023 at 4:11 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

    Ad sword fighting was removed as Barney leaving meant the boys hunting the horn was changed to them more quickly splitting up. So Rand and Lan were separated, so no lessons, no sword fighting. I believe this has been promised to be coming in season three. 


    There was a training scene filmed for S1E2 but it didn't make the cut

  6. Synopsis for that chapter:


    Tallanvor escorts Mat to the main gate of the Royal Palace and chastises Elber for refusing him entrance. He continues through the gate with Mat and asks more about the White Tower. Who is Sheriam and what is special about her study?[1] Mat says he honestly knows nothing. Tallanvor is loyal to Morgase to the death and is concerned there are things happening that he does not understand. Mat leaves him and returns to The Queen's Blessing. He tells Thom and Master Gill that he is leaving immediately. Master Gill is concerned and asks if Elayne's letter soothed Morgase. Mat says yes and asks him about Gaebril. Gill replies that he came from the west last winter, from the Two Rivers or perhaps the mountains. He came while Morgase was still at Tar Valon. He restored order, and when Morgase returned she was so pleased she gave him Elaida's position as advisor. Mat asks about the succession and Gill tells him Morgase's cousin, Lady Dyelin is next in line after Elayne. That is clear-cut so it would happen immediately and not take two years like Morgase's succession to Tigraine. Gill also mentions having bad dreams since Gaebril arrived.[2] Mat tells them what he overheard. Gill concurs with the description of Lord Comar and says he was a leader in the Queen's Guards till he was accused of using weighted dice. Gill says he can start a rumor about the danger to Elayne by telling Gilda the maid. Thom says that after fifteen years he is no longer passionate about Morgase. He agrees to accompany Mat to Tear. They will ride back to Aringill and catch a fast ship. Mat gives Gaebril's purse to Gill telling him it is the stakes in their game and Mat always wins.





  7. My prediction is that Mats memories from the horn will fade after the heroes are gone, and then he'll have all these holes in his mind (like in the books). He'll hear about the ter'angreal in Rhuidean, and that will be his motivation for going with Rand. Maybe Mat will feel guilty for flaking on Rand in the foregate in S2 and then subsequently stabbing him with a possessed dagger and that will also factor into the decision

  8. On 10/9/2023 at 2:58 PM, Scarloc99 said:

    Who then teaches Egwene? There is no sense to Siuan dying, she acts as the power behind the throne and then hands that power willingly over when she sees egwene is powerful enough.


    What does she need to learn?

  9. I generally agree with the OP's predictions. However, I think that Siuan will die in the coup and not survive.


    46 minutes ago, Mirefox said:

    What will be the end-season climax?  


    Moiraine and Lanfear scene at the docks IMO

  10. 14 minutes ago, Windigo said:

    That is how I see all the dark scenes, no matter what adjustments I make. I find myself going back and grabbing images to then adjust with editor to even see anything. It is really a pain, If I were not 33 year book reader I would have given up on watching a show where half the time I can not see anything. 


    Does your TV have an "HDMI Black Level" setting? I couldn't see anything in dark scenes and then I discovered that in the menu and now I can actually tell what's going on

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