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The Lost One

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Posts posted by The Lost One

  1. Very interesting ideas/theories.  I begin thinking the a'dam would not work in the stedding, but someone mentioned that only if the ter'angreal used the power that it would not work.  When the damane is not linked to the sul'dam outside the stedding they can not remove the collar, move too far, etc.. I don't think that the a'dam is using any power....unless it is maybe using the damane's own power....so now I am wondering if it would have the same effect on the channeler as it does outside the stedding.  I am not sure either way now. 

  2. Verins father cannot be one of those from Mats memories, his last memory is over a thousand years ago. Verin da, could be a historian, which is why verin chose the brown ajah.


    Again, I am not saying Verin's father was from one of Mat's memories.  This ALL happens before Mat gets any memories.  I thought one of Verin's relatives might me one of Mat's past lives or some other kind of connection.  I just thought Mat and Verin might be connected in some way. 

  3. Thanks for the comments, they help me think it through a bit more....this was not one of his added memories and I was not sure on the time line for Verin, so I was thinking it could be her father, grandfather, uncle or some other.  If you guys do a re-read look for it, it happened in the first 2 books and the beginning of the 3rd - I am pretty sure.  And notice the way Verin pays attention to things and reacts....it just seems there is some kind of connection.   

  4. I am doing a re-read again and I am on The Dragon Reborn.  Something caught my attention.


    At one point in the earlier books Verin says something to the effect"  "As my father used to say, it's time to roll the dice."


    This is all pre Rhuidean...


    At one point Mat recalls being some general or some such in a battle and says "its time to roll the dice".


    I know it seems to be a common saying and such, but is it possible that one of Mat's past lives...or whatever you call it...past selfs..past souls......is Verin's father or some other relation to Verin.


    As am I writing this, it sounds even more crazy then it did in my head, but there seems to be some sort of tie between Verin and Mat and this is the only thing I could think of.  Verin seems to identify with Mat's ways and such.  I was just trying to come up with some connection.


    I have heard the time travel theory and such with Verin, but I would like to hear thoughts and ideas that do not have anything to do with time travel. 


    Let me know what you think.  Remember, this is all pre-Rhuidean, so Mat does not have any installed memories at this point. 





  5. Great question schneb.


    I always thought that it was a ter'angreal that did the same thing as the Bowl of the Winds, but they had to find a second choice, because they could not get to it.  I never considered that it was something else that would tie the Aes Sedai to Rand.  Something more important, since it took them to it first.  I don't have an answer, but you really got me thinking.

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