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News item Comments posted by Asuras

  1. I will be disappointed if they change too much from the books. I expect some story lines to be cut. Perrin should not spend 3 books rescuing Faile. Masema was another plot point that kind of didn't need that much devoted to it. However, the books already have diversity in race, class, religion, belief systems, sexuality, government systems, trade and more. The books fit into the context of today's climate without smashing us over the head with today's social climate. It's ahead of its time. If they add or alter too  much to be "woke" I will be turned off and I DO fit a lot of what people consider under represented and under privileged groups. I have also noted how annoying it is when white, privileged Hollywood types try to shove that crap down under privileged people's throats as if I don't know better about representation and discrimination that I've faced and people like me. 

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