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Posts posted by joos

  1. The desolate landscape was fast succumbing to darkness. Heres cautiously moved past the many boulders strewn across the countryside. These large stones were too perfectly cut to be natural. Perhaps they were part of some towering city, Heres mused. Too many dead cities around here. Too many dead memories.


    With a skill born out of countless night-time ventures, Heres nimbly negotiated the little furrows and the occasional rabbit hole. Even in his haste, he took a care to not step on any loose stone, lest he wake the sleeper.


    Heres had first spotted the lonely traveler just outside the last village. The traveler had the look of someone not completely sure of his destination. Or maybe, he had just been tired. Either which way, Heres had calculated his prey as being too helpless and weak. The horse looked good, and the traveler's bundle looked promising as well.


    He had watched from afar as the traveler finally decided to stop. Heres's opinion of the traveler had wavered a bit when he saw the traveler not succumbing to any of the other water holes, preferring to carry on. Not a wise move, as it would have been easier to travel by night. But a resilient man nevertheless.


    Slowly, he reached the boulder against which the man was reclining. The fire had burnt itself out and the breeze favored Heres's approach. Heres peeked ever so slightly and found the man sleeping. Not the tired sleep of a weary man. It was more of a respite for a resolute man. Maybe his quarry would prove tougher than he imagined. Good. It had been a while since Heres had been faced with a dicey one.


    Heres eased his knife from its scabbard. No need to use the short-sword. This would hopefully be a silent job.


    In his eagerness, Heres failed to see the trap. The man had been cleverer than he had thought. He had placed frail twigs all around him, effectively warning him of any intruder. Heres unwittingly stepped on it.



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