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Posts posted by thehumantrashcan

  1. So yeah, I had just started and was almost at the point of wrapping up my back story RP with @WolfbrotherKronos.  Granted it was further along in the WoT story we are starting now where the Wolfkin had a whole culture set up.  I believe it was at some point after the Bowl of the Winds had been used.  I think I'd be happy to RP his backstory and get him to the point where he's accepted the fact he's a wolfkin for the start of our timeline, especially if we need a more mature wolfkin if others decide they want to play as one.  He's always available to join other freelanders, get bonded, join the band of the red hand in the future, or become a traveling companion of someone who is looking for He Who Comes with the Dawn ?.


    I'll update his bio and throw it in.


    Happy to make a street wise 30 something man in Tar Valon if that's where most of the RP is happening though.

  2. Yeah, I was having a hard time with what they did to Perrin but his acting has brought it together so well.  I love how disorienting they made that scene in the woods with the wolves seem and then his panic dies down and he realized they weren't trying to harm him at all. That and his other scenes, the dream especially, love 'em!


    Josha is nailing Rand too!  Mat i remember not liking very much in the books as well at first and I think this portrayal is lining up nicely and I look forward to seeing his redeeming qualities coming more to the forefront as we move forward.


    How about those leading ladies though!  Oh my goodness they are giving killer performances!  Loving it!


    Only qualms are some of my favorite moments in the Emmons Field didn't make the show.  Tam breaking out the sword and killing trollocs not getting taken out by just one, Rand getting Tam to the Emmons Field, and the Weep Menetharen speech to the Emmons Fielders.  I also want RJ version of swearing!  I want blood and bloody ashes and mother's milk in a cup!


    I am enjoying it though, especially after episode 2 and 3.  Episode 1 seemed so rushed and I felt like what they took out would have served better than what they took out.

  3. On Friday during a meeting with the other teachers at my school we went around and said what we are thankful for and one of them said the WoT tv series.  I immediately went up to him and started gushing over the books and he said he and a bunch of other WoT fans were watching it at one of the high school auditoriums on a big screen and invited me.  We watched the first 2 and I watched the 3rd on my phone when I got home (most of us were teachers and too tired).  So happy I got to watch it with fellow fans because I currently live where no one I know likes the books.  Now I do.  So happy! ? 

  4. So excited!  I started a Tuatha'an who had begun to have dreams of wolves and eventually went berserk on bandits who attacked their wagon train.  He had just been found by a wolfkin who had begun to explain what was happening.


    I would also be happy to help with NPCs as well but if no one can step in as the Wolfkin who had begun to train my character I can always try a young man in Tar Valor who accompanied someone to join the tower but wants nothing to do with it.  A whitecloak sounds fun too.


    Happy to write up something that accompanies another person's idea.  I have played RPGs for decades and have GM'd for just as long and love writing characters and playing them as well.

  5. Just now, DELTA said:


    Yeah, they're going to need him to play well to have a chance. I won't get the Dallas-KC game so I'll be tuned in

    Oh, the Dallas-KC game will be interesting too.  Sorry you won't get it.  SEA-AZ is either going to be the Hawks getting slaughtered or a good close game.

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