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Posts posted by GERand26

  1. The evidence only reasonably supports one conclusion, and that conclusion is highly relevant to this thread. Still waiting for something of substance from you on the topic. You seem to have no problem resurrecting your objections to well-supported theories that you simply don't like, but become oddly reticent when asked to restate or support your own view.

  2. So there are many theories re: the voice at the end of TEotW and at Shaoyl Ghul in AMoL, but do you actually have any thoughts of your own on the subject? It wasn't hard to notice that you completely avoided answering the question posed, and I'm pretty sure because we both know that the answer is highly damaging to your critique of the prevailing theory that Nakomi is an avatar of the Creator. Brandon has repeatedly stated that Nakomi is, in fact, based upon something in RJ's notes. That, when combined with the Creator's speaking role in TEofW and AMoL, paints a pretty clear picture in my view, with far more to back to it up than any other theory that I have seen. I won't even get into the symmetry of the DO being the antithesis of the Creator and having an avatar in Shadar Haran (meaning it would bne consistent for the Creator to also have an avatar of some sort as well) althought that point is soundly in the theory's favor as well. So again, I will ask, what is your take?


    And I struggle to even call your statements an actual "critique" since, instead of actually presenting a theory of your own and backing it up with evidence, you are simply attempting to point of supposed flaws at the margins of the theory. That's not effective debating, it's issue-spotting, and anyone can do it. So if you have a better theory and can back it up, I anxiously await it.

  3. RJ may not have written "her" exactly as Nakomi appears, but it seems pretty clear, if you're using any deductive reasoning at all, that he included the concept in his notes, and that the concept "deep in the notes" involved an avatar of the Creator speaking to Avi and later to Rand. I think you're trying to shoot down this idea simply because you don't like it, because the evidence all points in one direction, and most fans can see it based on the poll results.


    And even though you are relying on old quotes where RJ indicated the Creator would not play an active role, you STILL have not answered the question regarding the voice at the end of TEofW or at the entrance to Shayol Ghul in AMoL. So, I'm waiting to hear your theory. Let's have it.

  4. Then what was the voice at the end of EotW, and the voice when Rand is at mouth of Shayol Ghul? You have not accounted for this, and it absolutely crushes your argument. Clearly, the Creator already has some involvement by virtue of his communication with Rand in those instances (even if the communication is rather passive).

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