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Posts posted by Sherper

  1. The post is done!

    Thanks Mat and everyone for your patience.

    It has literally been a few years since I've written anything creative, so excuse the post if it's crap and too rambly. I promise to improve as I slowly get back to the groove of things.


    Anyway, hope you guys have a good time writing up replies, I've got to head off and do my other stuff now.


  2. It could have been the insult about his mother; or the implication that his family made a tradition of inbreeding; it may even have been the comment about his small pecker. Come to think of it, it was probably the small pecker thing which set the guy off. Light knows why, men were always so sensitive about that particular subject. Whatever the case, there was now a hand being swung at her – a clumsy haymaker, sure, but a declaration of aggression nonetheless.


    This happened every time Ellisha Falwain came out to drink away her sorrows. She had even taken precautions to not attract attention to herself from members of the opposite sex. Wearing beige trousers and a forester’s shirt and jerkin, she looked much more like a mercenary sell-sword than an eligible young lady. Yet at some point in the night, some loud-mouthed no-body was going to have downed enough liquid courage to start looking for something to savour his other base desires. She always shot these types down, and Ellisha has never known or cared to honey her rejections.


    “You lightskirted chit! I’ll have you know your place!” The man’s face was a mutton red, and she could practically see the veins popping out of his sockets from the corner of her eye. Maybe she pushed this one a little too far.


    He lashed out at her with an open palm, going for what appears to be a slap to the face. With an ease that bordered on laziness, she cut across the man’s attack with her left hand – driving the force from the blow – and performed an upper cut against the lower jaw in almost the same instance. She wasn’t sure if anyone else heard the crunch as her fist made impact, but no one could argue against its effectiveness. The man pitched backwards two feet off the air and landed head first a moment later onto the cold wooden floor. He didn’t get back up – the one blow was enough to completely knock him out.


    Feeling mildly smug at having dealt with the problem in such record time she had her glass of imported Caemlyn Wine half-way to her lips before she caught the look on the bar keeper’s face.


    “Wha’?” she snarled at the man in the clipped Caemlyn dialect she had adopted for the night. “Som’thin’ else the matta’?” 


    The balding bar-keep turned to the side and pointed. Ellisha followed the contour of his finger and found the source of the problem.


     “Oh, Mother’s milk in a cup” she moaned, muttering darkly under her breath as she massaged the bridge of her nose. The guy she had just beaten up had friends, and they didn’t look too pleased.




    The air was driven from her lungs as her back crashed against the door, spilling wood chips in all directions. She landed on her side and rolled several meters out of the Inn before coming to a stop near the feet of a passing pedestrian.


    The woman seemed mildly surprised at first, bending over to examine the fallen figure. Ellisha rolled onto her back and when she saw the other woman looking down at her, she gave a toothy grin. The expression on the woman’s face turned from mild concern to fear almost in an instant, and she let out an ear-splitting scream. “Blood and Ashes, wha–” before Ellisha could get another word out however, the other had run off – still screaming – into the night. “Rude,” Ellisha thought moodily to herself as she hobbled unsteadily to her feet.


    What was that all about? And was that blood she tasted on her lips?  She probed the inside lining of her mouth and when her hand came back covered in crimson, realisation dawned and she couldn’t help but let out a wry chuckle. The woman probably thought she was some sort of carnivorous demon from the blood staining her front teeth.


    She didn’t have long to muse about this fact however, as at that moment her remaining assailant (she had immobilised the other three back in the Inn), pushed his way through what remained of the front door.  He was a heavily muscled man with thick shoulders and an even thicker head. Unlike the other four who she had used her superior training with the warders to gain an unfair advantage over, this one actually knew what he was doing.


    She rolled her shoulders and did a quick inventory to make sure everything else was still working. Satisfied, she wiped the blood from her mouth with one sleave and turned to face the man. “Nice throwing arm you’ve got there,” she barked, mirroring her opponent’s movements as he began circling her. “Who did you inherit it from? Your Trolloc mother, or your boar for a father?” The man’s expression didn’t change. He could have given stones a lesson on not emoting.


    Two seconds later he began his attack, levelling a tackle aimed at her midriff. She anticipated this move and sidestepped. What she didn’t anticipate however was that he would switch momentum at the last second and clip her with the edge of his shoulder. This made her tumble backwards, momentarily off-balance. She gasped, more from surprise at being caught rather than any real pain the blow had caused. The man took the opportunity and had both his meaty palms clasped around her throat before she could recover.


    “Ah, fish-guts,” she choked, and could feel the man’s hands settle around her. It soon became increasingly difficult to breath. She clawed at her windpipes, thrashed about wildly, striking the man’s arms and shoulders but ultimately to no avail. The man slowly squeezed . For the briefest of moments, she panicked and contemplated reaching for Saidar to save herself. She squashed that thought almost as soon as it came up. There was no way she could get away with using the One-Power on a citizen of Tar Valon out in the open like this. Instead, she stopped struggling for a second and withdrew into the void. She felt her heartbeat slowly decrease, her world no longer a sea of stars and dancing colours, but only containing her, the void and the flame. Slowly and deliberately, she calmed down and drew the shiv she had hidden in her pant pocket.


    As soon as she had stopped struggling, the man finally showed some emotion by the way of a self-satisfied smile.  Evidently, he thought he finally had her; which made it all the more gratifying when she jammed the shiv into his side and repeatedly kicked him in the groin. The two of them dropped together, and Ellisha rolled away to gain herself some distance from her attacker as well as regain some lost oxygen.


    “Hey, what’s going on here?” Ellisha had just enough vision in between the violent coughing fits to see the blurry outline of four figures running from the inn on the opposite side of the one she had been thrown out from a moment earlier. To her utter amazement, her assailant, the ox-beast of a man, was getting up already. He climbed to his feet and turned to face her. This time there was nothing but murder in his eyes as he drew the shiv embedded in his waist and began slowly walking towards her.


    “Oh crap. This isn’t good”. Despite her best efforts it appears she will have to use Saidar after-all. This was going to get messy; maybe she could say she was out gathering intelligence for the Blues or something if her boss, Asyndara Sedai, decides to question her about tonight’s events. She would need to find a way to word it so that it wasn’t an outright lie. Before she could fully embrace Saidar, a figure came out and stood in between her and her attacker.  


    “That’s close enough,” the figure said. It was a young voice but one that sounded confident and assured in his own capabilities. “Put the knife down, walk away and no one needs get hurt”. Despite the straight-backed stance her unexpected defender had adopted, she couldn’t help but notice he himself wasn’t armed with anything, whilst the other one still had her shiv. Her attacker didn’t slow down or hesitate, rather when he reached to within two paces of the younger man, he lunged with the shiv.


    Ellisha watched as her defender cut down on the knife arm, making sure the blade was pointing away from his body before gripping the hand that held the weapon and twisting the joints. The other man let out a pained grunt and let go of the knife. In a movement that was too fast for Ellisha’s half dazed eyes to track, the young man somehow managed to reverse the knife grip and delivered a sharp tap against the assailant’s temple using the butt of the weapon. The larger man dropped like a sack of potatoes and didn’t make another sound. Her saviour stood over the fallen man for quite a while, probably making sure he wouldn’t get up again, before walking over towards Ellisha.    


    She accepted the hand that was offered to her and climbed unsteadily to her feet with its assistance. “Thanks, kid.” She rasped then cleared her throat. Evidently that choke hold had taken a bigger toll on her windpipes than she had at first anticipated. “Really glad you came and help me out. Was for sure, that ugly ba – Wait, WHY ARE YOU CUFFING ME?” she roared, as soon as she realised what the cold metallic sensation on her arm was. The kid, he mustn’t have been more than twenty by her estimates, gave her a deadpan expression as he closed the cuffs around her wrist. “I saw you drive a shiv into that other guy. Whatever happened here tonight, you’re going to have to answer some questions down at the station.”


    It was only then that Ellisha noticed the uniformed tabard the boy was wearing. “Oh, blood and bloody ashes” she cursed as the man secured the other end of the cuffs to his own wrist. It was just her luck that of all the good Samaritans out in Tar Valon tonight, the one that would rescue her just also happened to be a Tower Guard.  She was going to have to start working on her alibi.



    ~ Sherper



    OCC: I would wait until we all get back to the Tower before doing the interrogation. We’ll see how we go from there.  

  3. Don't worry, I do intend to have a conversation with Kat at some point. I'm pretty sure i've talked to her before on the subject when planning what to do with my Blue's arc (back before I disappeared for a few years) but I do intend to make sure again what I'm doing is 100% lore friendly. 



  4. Oh, she intends to do a lot of murdering.


    If Ellisha finds a darkfriend she won't stop at just killing him/her, it's going to be full blown torture to dig information out of the victim.


    On a sidenote, I don't quite understand why Aiden joined the Shadow even after reading his Bio. Does he hate the Tower? Is it because of his family? His mother isn't a darkfriend, so why is he one? Your initial ceremony post makes it seem like Aiden has a special connection with the place, despite effectively working for the other side.


    Also, Taymist, do you want to do the actual ceremony part? I think only one of us should do it, as it would be kind of pointless switching between the AS and the MoA.

  5. Oh. So um... I just had the chance to read Aiden's Bio. He's a dark friend? Wow, alright wasn't expecting that when I proposed the original plan.


    Ellisha is super anti dark friend, and if she starts running off her mouth as was my original intention with this arc, she might reveal to Aiden she knows their existence in the Tower and is actively hunting for them (kind of her main storyline thing). Do you want to do anything with this?


    You can have your character pretend to befriend Ellisha (not hard if you get her drunk arse home before anyone else notices), and report her to a Black sister?

  6. I'll get around to reading your character's bio before starting the writing process (btw, who should start the thread).


    It is currently 2am here and I have work to do tomorrow, but I promise I'll get around to making some time available for this.

  7. Strict is good. Strict we can easily work with.


    Now, be sure to give me a good head kicking if I cross any lines or are running off into unrealistic territory, but here's what I'm thinking...


    We do the ceremony, and you can flesh out your character's musings and internal struggles etc. (Maybe, even now you're still unsure of the values of the WT).


    Then once the ceremony is over, we hit the pub. You bump into Ellisha again, and she's already down a few drinks and starts debating tower politics with you. (She's a bit of a cynic, and has a lot of bad feelings bottled up inside her about the tower). We can work out the specific details of how we get there later.


    Respond to the debate however you will (it really depends on how you intend to develop your character), and at some point I guess we'll have your character realize he's talking to an AS and that she's too inebriated to watch her tongue out in public.


    As a newly minted Tower Guard, it's pretty clear that it's your duty to protect not only the wellbeings of the WT but also its reputation.


    Whether getting a drunk AS home will reinforce your conviction or weaken your faith in the tower is up to you. Maybe hearing all the backstabbing and politicking will make you feel less dewy-eyed towards the tower, or maybe even despite seeing the Tower's shortcomings your character still decides that the Tower is doing the right thing by existing. 







  8. I have a Blue, which might serve your purpose.


    She is quite young for an AS, and I don't think she knows your TG personally (Not sure if that's going to be a problem or not). She does like going incognito mode to the pub and umm... *cough*  get wasted  do espionage. It could be kind of fun to bump into each other once you're done with the ceremony.


    Just an idea. It's your ceremony, so you get to pick :)

  9. Heck yeah I am!


    I plan to slowly activate my old characters one by one, and I have this overall arc planned in my head that will eventually see my Blue roaming the four corners of the world on a grand ol' adventure of murder, intrigue and drinking.


    I'll be making a planning thread in the next couple of days (when I've straightened out a few minor details), so be sure to post your own wishes and suggestions when that comes up. I'm hella rusty as it has been a few years since I've greased my creative noggin, but hopefully I can get back into the groove of things very soon. 





  10. Hey, thanks Jagen! I forgot a lot of things since it really has been a few years (forum-wise and WoT both. Ellisha I remember was a fresh blue who only just got her shawl, so 30-40?. 


    And hello to you to Arie, I would most certainly be interested in doing some planning. Ellisha is my only WT character but she's pretty flexible (just like her morals) so she can be put in pretty much any situation.


    I can start a planning thread in the next few days and just see who else is up for a bit of literary tomfoolery.

  11. Hi! Returning old fart here. Not sure how many of you remember me or my character.  Name's Sherper and I wrote a Blue Aes Sedai called Ellisha.


    Having sorted out my life issues and gotten it back on track (for the most part), I've decided to return to the boards and continue writing her story for a bit.


    So whats been happening here. It all looks so familiar yet so alien at the same time. Stuff has moved, and things have happened, I'm sure, since I've been away. Anyone feel like planning a story and in the process catch me up on what's been happening? *grin*



  12. Hi, I'm back! Going to reactivate my WT character who made her shawl back a few years ago.


    1) Your Handle:


    2) Your Character's full name:

    Ellisha Falwain

    3) Your Character's Type and Level (New or Returning: Trainee/Warder; Novice/Accepted/Aes Sedai - Traditional or Salidar):

    Returning - Aes Sedai (Traditional)

    4) Do you have see/have access to post on the RP IC boards?


    5) Do you see/have access to post on the Tar Valon OOC sub boards?




  13. Hello!


    Not sure how many of you still remember me. Apologies for not writing more, but I've been preoccupied with university and real life events up until very recently.


    Interested in coming back though as I have gained access to a smidgen more time and willpower.

    So what's been happening? Anyone planning on starting new story threads?

  14. Ellisha gave the other woman a small smile and an understanding nod. It was worth a shot anyway, and besides, the Green hadn’t outright refused her proposal. “If ever comes a time when you need my… ‘Particular set of talents,’ then just leave a message with the owner. I'll know where to find you.” She stood from her seat, her Southside dock accent back on her tongue.


     “And don’t try and go snooping about for me, you hear? You won’t get very far.” She took one last pull from her cup, finishing the last drops then settling it back down on the table. “Pleasure making acquaintance, Aes Sedai.” And with that, Margerit Cornsworth left the bar and disappeared into the Tar Valon night.  


    ~ Ellisha Falwein
    Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah.


    OOC: No sweats mate. Hope we get to continue this character arc in the near future. Had quite a bit of fun. Good luck with continuing the thread.

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