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Posts posted by kaiman

  1. Have to say I am pretty ambivalent about a WoT TV adaptation. Being one of my favourite book series, I'm interested in seeing it turned into different formats, though episodic TV shows aren't really my thing. The last one I watched on a semi regular basis must have been ST:TNG, over 20 years ago ;-). I'll definitely will try to catch the first episode when it airs, but I don't have high hopes that it'll keep me hooked. Certainly didn't happen with GoT. But I like WoT better, so who knows ...


    In any event, if this turns out good enough for others, I'll be happy that it spreads awareness and recognition of the books, and should it end in disaster, well, I can always reread and enjoy the books, no harm done.

  2. Have read it soon after it was released, and I was impressed how well the Last Battle was depicted. I believe that was the first time in the entire series where I felt that the Shadow really was a threat to Randland. Well done, Mr. Sanderson!


    Unfortunately, as a whole I think the book quite missed the point. To me, WOT was always foremost about the (main) characters, their struggles and relations. It was always fascinitating to see how stubborness or egoism on part of this or that protagonist made things difficult and hindered the good side probably more than all Forsaken and Darkfriends combined. It was great, because it is so human and something you hardly see in other series. But with AMOL, the characters and their motives where suddenly pushed into the background. Most of the pages seemed to be about fighting and manoeuvering and grand scale military tactics. There was simply too much of that and most of it was too detached from the actual characters.


    Compared to that, my remaining complaints are minor:

    * What was that superhuman thing Talmanes pulled of near the beginning!? Should have dropped dead and be done with it.

    * The constant repetition of some Ogier or other "laying about him with his <weapon of choice>" felt more jarring and obnoxious than any amount of tugging ones braid or folding ones arms in the entire series before! Honestly, how could the editors let something so blatant slip through more than once?

    * And what about Androl? What has such a stereotypical nice guy, a jack-of-all-trades without any appearent flaw lost in the WOT series?


    On the bright side, we finally get a reason for the whole Hinderstap madness. Doesn't make that particular chapter of TGS any better, but at least I know now that it was included for a purpose and not just because Zombies where the rage back then.


    The end was ... in order ... I guess. Kind of odd how Rand rode off without his GFs, but maybe I'm just hopelessly romantic ;-). Certainly sad to see the series end and at the same time relieved to finally see the end of the series.



    Reading through some of the other posts, some of the opinions voiced here are valid as well:

    * Moraines and Fains appearences: too short, too meaningless

    * Perrins battle: drawn out too long (but so was the whole campaign of rescuing Faile before)

    * Deaths of important characters: often too impersonal (even off screen) and pointless



    All in all, I will always keep WOT in good memory. And I'll never start a new series unless the last book has been written ;-).

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